So, the user-contributed sound apps listing page needs a title.
Here's all the suggestions I could find in the last thread on this
topic (back in 2002), plus a few more off the top of my head:
Big Linux Audio Repository -- BLARe
Audio & Music Apps for Linux (AMAL)
Linux Audio Festival (LAF)
Linux Audio Free Totally Encompassing Resources (LAFTER)
Linux Audio Land (LAL)
Linux Audio & Music App List (LAMAL)
Linux Audio & Music Software Database
Linux Sound Pavilion
Linux Sound Roadmap
Linux Sounds Zoo
Linux Waves
Raiders of the Lost Softs
Software for Linux Audio & Music (SLAM)
Sound & MIDI Software For Linux*
The Cyborg Musicians Club
The List
The Shaking Warehouse
* an oldie but goodie ;-)
p.s. if you don't like any of the above, I will deny having
made it up ;-)
How bout some more suggestions?
Paul Winkler
is there an app that can do guitar amp modelling,
like the POD Line6 unit - only with software?
Richard K. Ingalls
Director of Information Technology
Glenwood R-8 School District
West Plains, MO
"Glenwood R-8: home of the mustangs!"
I know there were some discussions not too long ago about sequencers,
but i'd like to ask the questions in a slightly different way.
I'm looking for a decent sequencer for Linux. It's not required to be a
"Logic/Cubase/Pro Tools/Sonar killer" (although it would be great :-D),
but i'd like it to perform a few basic tasks well.
Must-have features:
- record and play multiple MIDI tracks
- record and play multiple sound tracks
- MIDI and sound must be able to blend freely in a project (i.e. record
and play arbitrary combinations of MIDI and sound tracks simultaneously)
- overdub multiple sound tracks into one (or two)
- fine-grained MIDI editing (edit individual keystrokes' parameters such
as velocity, timing adjustments)
- automatic tool to move slightly off-beat keystrokes to a fixed
temporal grid which is defined in the program (therefore making "perfect
performance" timing-wise)
- sound editing abilities (features such as "snap to pass-through-zero"
would be nice)
- LADSPA filters
- play a metronome through a MIDI or sound channel
- works with JACK and ALSA
- does not crash
Nice-to-have features:
- the editors (MIDI, sound) and, generally, the whole app must be
user-friendly and inspiration-friendly :-) (when the inspiration
possesses you, it's not a good thing to start fumbling through some
crappy interface and make a thousand mouse clicks just to do some
trivial operation - every second lost is precious)
- music notation
- some kind of interoperability with related apps
Essentially, in the free software world, it's either Muse or Rosegarden.
Has any of you extensive experience with both applications? Which one is
a better fit for the description above?
Florin Andrei
How can i send commands in a file to a running fluidsynth process?
I tried ( contains fluidsynth tuning commands):
$ fluidsynth -a jack ~/gerrit.sf2 <
But fluidsynth exits immediately after reading the commands in the
Too everyone who's waited with bated breath for this day to come
(primarily me), rejoice in the first beta release of Specimen, a midi
controlled audio sampler for GNU/Linux systems.
Features as listed on the webpage:
# ALSA sequencer interface support.
# Audio output via ALSA or JACK.
# Individual panning and volume controls for each patch.
# High quality cubically interpolated pitch scaling.
# Sample start/stop and loop points.
# Three playback modes; "normal" just plays the sample, "trim" plays
the sample and stops early if so instructed, "loop" plays the sample
for the requested duration.
# Patch bank saving and loading in the "beef" file format.
Check out for more and to download the source. I'm
gonna spend the next few days giving the program a usability test and
creating a demo song that does it justice, so keep your ears open for
some homegrown UHB in the not-too-distant future.
So, what should a new soundapps page DO?
In the previous discussion on this list, way back in 2002,
many ideas were kicked around. I think it was originally
too ambitious. I'd like to focus for now on being a really
good resource for finding linux audio / music software.
So, here's a rough cut at a revised requirements list,
distilling the old threads:
Rough mock-up of a typical app listing page:
Notes, including links to the old discussions:
I have just posted a rough draft of requirements on that page.
It (hopefully) includes everything important from
the 2002 discussions. I invite further discussion of these
requirements in this thread.
p.s. Somebody (Marek?) reminded me of the reasons
why anonymous users should be allowed to post new
listings & update existing ones. Thanks for that!
But I lost the mail so I'm not sure who it was.
Paul Winkler
Look! Up in the sky! It's FLYING MC FROM PARIS!
(random hero from
Hello Friends,
I bought a laptop toshiba A10 - S213 pentium 4 - 516 Mo and I installed
mandrake 9.2 on it, i use it with the multimedia kernel of mandrake. I
would like to know if one of you could access to the bios of this kind
of machine, it seems that we have to use window$ to have access to it,
really strange. Does someone have an idea?
And also, I have some problems when I used sound and that in the same
time I run a brownser or another application, the sound is cutting by
some other priority of the system, I tried to give priority to sound by
doing nice --10 but it's always the same, does someone had experienced
this problem?
thanks a lot for your help!!
juto aviten
I posted this to appreciate a powerful new product, based on Linux, though I
cannot afford to buy it myself. I did not post it to inspire bigotted hate
mail and such. Please, keep this stuff to yourselves.
After two weeks working on that ..... i got it ... I have REVERB and CHORUS
in my SB Live ... well i need to improve some things, but i can control the
amount of reverb and chorus with MIDI control message for each MIDI
channel ... gmorgan sounds like a film with reverb and chorus. :-)
I use ld10k1 from Peter Zubaj .... a fantastic program, hi was send me a
pre-release with some improvements, as10k1 form alsa-utils to compile the
patches, i modified some bus and chorus example patches and I adapted fv10k1
(Freverb from sourceforge emu10k1 drivers), then i made som scripts to load.
Actually has some small problems, in fact the FX8010 is a mistery for me ..
and seems the TRAM delay lines of both effects are mixed ... but with some
small alsamixer hacking sounds pretty good.
If someone is interested i will send you ....
> from: Christophe Vescovi <vescovi(a)>
> date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 11:17:17
> to: linux-audio-user(a)
> subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] linux and alsaplayer
> James Stone a écrit :
> >> I did the rt-capability operation.Now alsaplayer and ardour
> >>are doing fine with jackstart.
> >>Muse doesnt like this way.With jackstart it still needs to be root for
> >>starting,but then it crashes.It still works when jack is started the old
> >>way (as root).
> >>The qeustion is who is to blame :me,jack or muse?
> >>
> >>Thanks for the help
> >>
> >>Jaap van Geffen
> >>
> >
> >
> > You have to compile muse with the --enable-rtcap option or change the
> > muse executable to suid (chmod s /usr/local/bin/muse or whatever).
> >
> > James
> >
> I think the --enable-rtcap option is broken in the latest Muse release.
> At least the last time I try it was not able to compile givertcap.c. I
> think it has something to do why Muse wanting to compile it with gcc
> instead of g (Tommi Ilmonen file is givertcap.C and not givertcap.c as
> in Muse). I am not sure it's the only problem .... otherwise it should
> be easily fixed.
> What is working is the --enable-suid-install option.
> Christophe
--enable-rtcap works for me on muse 0.6.3 (I agree it was broken on 0.6.2).
--enable-suid-install is just the same as giving the muse binary suid.. might be easier to do that if muse is already installed.