i used jack with my Echo Gina24 (which has 2 ins, 8 outs) since today,
withous problems.
just today i bought an ADAT I/O box (Fostex VC-8).
in the Echo Mixer i can see, hear and control both analog and digital
but when i start jack, i only see two analog inputs, and eight analog
where did my new digital channels go?
if i force jack to use 10 input channels and 16 output channels (VC-8
has 8 ins and 8 outs), jack says:
loading driver ..
apparent rate = 44100
creating alsa driver ...
control device hw:1
configuring for 44100Hz, period = 256 frames, buffer = 2 periods
ALSA: cannot set channel count to 10 for capture
ALSA: cannot configure capture channel
cannot load driver module alsa
note: i have to set Gina24 to receive external clock from the ADAT box
(its clock is 44.1k) in order to hear/capture the 8+8 digital channels.
why jack doesn't see the new inputs?
thanks in advance
Ran across this card in one of my gaming forums.
Looks pretty impressive, even from an audio point of
Anyone tried one for linux audio? Anyone read any
linux oriented reviews, etc. of this card?s
Jon Hoskins
In a world without walls who needs gates or windows?
Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
Are there some tips how to ajust CD-drive (bios, kernel, ...) to get the best
ripping accuracy? I mean cdparanoia/libcdio-paranoia using.
paranoia's not-obvious tips are interesting too :-)
> From: sonicx <sonicx_(a)gmx.net>
> i was wondering if it is possible,and usuable, to make precise pressure
> and frequency messurements using linux. ie. to test high-end speakers.i
> somehow guess so,but what do i need? can i use my
> mic+soundcard+alsa+somemeasurementproggi ?
This sort of measurement is as much of an art as a science; if I were you
and wanted to get pretty serious about it, I'd look into measurement mics
before I got too hung up on the software. Earthworks M30BX is about $900,
but there are some less expensive solutions. A Shure SM-81, while not
strictly a measurement mic, will work pretty well in lots of cases. I
haven't seen them used for much less that $400 lately. :(
You want the measurement mic to be the best thing in the chain -- a good
mic on a cheap soundcard is better than a great soundcard with a poor mic.
As to software, I don't know about preset solutions -- sorry. If you
really want to get into it, fftw, gnuplot, and octave are all tools for
rolling your own -- and it's a great way to really learn what you're
But be careful -- when your ears and your measurements disagree, go with
your ears.
Phil Mendelsohn
(former mastering engineer, AES member, and audio boffin.)
Dept. of Mathematics, 342 Machray Hall
U. of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N2
Office: 446 Machray Hall, 204-474-6470
http://www.rephil.org/ phil at rephil dot org
I had to do a temporary downgrade tonight to one of my
kid's machines. I have one of those joystick-midi
converters that worked well on my old SB Live! but now
that I am running a Delta soundcard that is no option.
Anyway, I tried hooking it up to the onboard
"joystick/midi" socket on the motherboard (an older
440BX based Asus board) and don't see it register in
jack. I'm running Demudi.
Is there anything special I might try to get this to
work correctly (until I get a midisport?)
Thanks in advance!
In a world without walls who needs gates or windows?
Yahoo! Music Unlimited
Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.
I would like to have a better knowlege about the midi protocol, to
understand better what is stored in a midi file and how it is stored. I
am not that much interested in bits and bytes, but in how a description
of a note works in midi, i.e. is a note defined by a start point and a
duration ( and the end point is a consequence) or is midi a start and an
end point ( and the duration is a consequence). What is a pause? Is it a
silent note? How does a notation application calculate ties or what
remains of tied notes? The duration only? And so on...
If anyone of you knows some URL where to find usefull information about
the theme in question, I would like it very much to see it posted here.
If it is in german, even better ;-)
I just compiled om with lash support. It seams to me that lash is the
hugely missing piece of software that if generally supported would take
linux audio to the next level (to say the least).
But I'm wondering which other software is supported? I heard rumours
about ZynAddSubFx and seq24...
I guess for now this is cutting edge that needs to pulled out of cvs,
patched and compiled by hand. But are there any plans as to when lash +
lashified software will appear in say debian/unstable?
Also what's the general atitude amongs developers towards lash? Should
we start lobbying for the developers our pet software to implement lash
peace, love & harmony
i want to merge my two devices (analog and digital) to be able to use
them together in jack/qjackctl.
my card configuration is:
hw:1,0 -> 2 in, 8 out
hw:1,1 -> 8 in, 8 out
which is an asymmetrical "look".
so i created a /etc/asound.conf file (see below).
but when i start jack, it says:
ALSA: mmap-based access is not possible for the capture stream of this
audio interface
ALSA: cannot configure capture channel
this is because i used a null pcm with the asym plugin (i think).
anyone knows how to workaround this?
here is my asound.conf:
pcm.!default {
type plug
slave sl44100
ctl.!default {
type hw
card 1
pcm_slave.sl44100 {
pcm "hw:1,0"
channels 2
rate 44100
pcm.Gina_Capture {
type asym
playback {
pcm {
type null
capture {
pcm {
type hw
card 1
device 0
pcm.Gina_Playback {
type asym
playback {
pcm {
type hw
card 1
device 0
capture {
pcm {
type null
pcm.Fostex_ADAT {
type hw
card 1
device 1
pcm.multi {
type multi
slaves.a.pcm "Gina_Playback"
slaves.a.channels 8
slaves.b.pcm "Gina_Capture"
slaves.b.channels 2
slaves.z.pcm "Fostex_ADAT"
slaves.z.channels 8
bindings.0.slave a
bindings.0.channel 0
bindings.1.slave a
bindings.1.channel 1
bindings.2.slave a
bindings.2.channel 2
bindings.3.slave a
bindings.3.channel 3
bindings.4.slave a
bindings.4.channel 4
bindings.5.slave a
bindings.5.channel 5
bindings.6.slave a
bindings.6.channel 6
bindings.7.slave a
bindings.7.channel 7
bindings.8.slave z
bindings.8.channel 0
bindings.9.slave z
bindings.9.channel 1
bindings.10.slave z
bindings.10.channel 2
bindings.11.slave z
bindings.11.channel 3
bindings.12.slave z
bindings.12.channel 4
bindings.13.slave z
bindings.13.channel 5
bindings.14.slave z
bindings.14.channel 6
bindings.15.slave z
bindings.15.channel 7
bindings.16.slave b
bindings.16.channel 0
bindings.17.slave b
bindings.17.channel 1
ctl.multi {
type hw
card 1
pcm.ttable {
type route
slave.pcm "multi"
ttable.0.0 1
ttable.1.1 1
ttable.2.2 1
ttable.3.3 1
ttable.4.4 1
ttable.5.5 1
ttable.6.6 1
ttable.7.7 1
ttable.8.8 1
ttable.9.9 1
ttable.10.10 1
ttable.11.11 1
ttable.12.12 1
ttable.13.13 1
ttable.14.14 1
ttable.15.15 1
ttable.16.16 1
ttable.17.17 1
ctl.ttable {
type hw
card 1
Introducing WhySynth, a DSSI softsynth plugin.
WhySynth, as in 'Y'-synth, the super-sized, frankensteinized,
evolved and mutated, still rather dorky younger sibling of
WhySynth, as in (I sometimes ask), "_why_ am I working on another
softsynth instead of on paying gigs?" (Following my bliss?
Addiction? One last shot at misspent youth?)
WhySynth, as in a mostly-new design featuring:
- 4 oscillators per voice, in your choice of 6 modes (minBLEP,
wavecycle, asynchronous granular, FM, waveshaper, and noise),
- 2 filters, also in multiple flavors,
- flexible routing and mixdown to stereo output,
- 3 (or is it 6?) LFOs (instrument-wide, per-voice, and multiphase),
- 5 multi-mode envelope generators,
- abundant modulation options,
- and effects (well, Tim Goetze's Versatile plate reverb is all at
the moment, unless you count the DC-blocker anti-effect).
WhySynth is a work in progress. Actually, since the kid was born,
progress has slowed to a near-utter standstill, but if I can't
release often, I might as well release early.
Get your tarball, boring screenshot, and html-ized README today at:
then get your butts back to making cool music -- however you define
that. Cheers,
Hi, I recently read about a software which analyses a wave file and then
is able to generate a rhythm pattern out of it.
Unfortunately I have not bookmarked it, and I do not remember in which
forum or on which mailing list I read about it. Do you have any idea
about the software I am talking?