i got the solution:
each preset - if i call it - sends predefined funktions, f. e.
preset 95: "program-change to Nr. 95" and some other funktions.
you can change or delete some or all of this funktions a preset sends. you can
say: preset "95", do a program change to Nr. 77 (makes in most cases no
sense, but it is possible).
in my case, i deleted all funktions of preset 95 and programed only one
funktion: "send midi-note C3"
preset 94 f. e. sends nothing else than midi note E3.
so i can use the Behringer FCB-1010 foot-switches/presets as switches for my
application f. e. to turn "Drive ON/OFF" (95) or "Wah-Wah ON/OFF" (94) and so
Hi guys,
are someone experienced with two Delta 1010, Problems? Tips? Triks?
Thanks in advance,
Suono Lud Guitars, Guido Mx-5, Uso Sistemi Unix ... e non rompetemi
il basso.
I helping a friend out who wants to put together a linux / ardour setup.
However, the sound device he origionally suggested was RME's Fireface,
which is a no-go.
I'm having trouble finding a device with similar specs. Does anybody
have any suggestions on devices that work with linux (alsa or freebob)
that can handle the 192k sample rate, have at least 8 analog line
level inputs (not concerned about preamps) and are in the same price
There are lots of nice units out there, but finding something that can
handle 192k kinda reduces the selection really quickly.
The only others I could find that fit those factors were the Roland
FA-101 (only 6 inputs when at 192k) and Apogees stuff (a bit on the
pricy side). So I wanted to see if anybody knew of others that I
didn't think of.
Thanks to the kind help of this list, JAMin and Ardour are playing
nicely together on my system, and I mastered a decent sounding CD.
xcdroast (0.98alpha15 rpm version 4.4.2 on FC6) won't write the .inf
files it created. cdrdao doesn't do it either.
In xcdroast, when accepting the track layout, all the info is there --
song titles, artist, etc. "Write CD Text" is checked. The CD plays,
but the player displays "track-1, UNKNOWN ARTIST" instead of "Song
Name, Artist."
Same result with cdrdao using a .toc file.
Could it be a hardware/driver issue (tried both generic-mmc and
generic-mmc-raw w/cdrdao)? My burner is a LITE-ON Combo SOHC-3256V.
Any suggestions for ways around this or do I need new hardware?
Thanks in advance.
I'm going to try TerraTec PHASE 24 FW with FreeBob. Using CVS/SVN is not
a problem. But there is a potential stopper: I need to be able to use the
SPDIF out also. Has anybody successful stories here?
The thing is, the card may be order not near me, and money back will be
complicated. As a result, preliminary information is important.
Thanks in advance!
Hi everybody,
I am proclaiming the birth of a new (small) project: OSC for Qt4 (ofqf)!
Quicklink to the download:
From the ofqf-page (http://www.arnoldarts.de/drupal/?q=node/573):
ofqf is a native OSC implementation in Qt4. Native means that ofqf doesn't
depend on other external libs (except for QtCore and QtNetwork) and ofqf
isn't just a wrapper around liblo or something.
= Why shoud I use ofqf? =
If your app is using Qt, you do have several choices for OSC, but all involve
wrapping external libraries with some QObject so you can use signals/slots to
communicate with the rest of your app. In that case you will want to use
= Show me examples! =
== server ==
A simple OSC-server that can be shut down by the osc-message "/quit" is the
QOscServer* s = new QOscServer(
PathObject* pathquit = new PathObject(
pathquit, SIGNAL( data() ),
QCoreApplication::instance(), SLOT( quit() )
Thats it on the server side...
== client ==
A simple client to stop that server on button-click:
int main( int argc, char** argv )
QApplication* app = new QApplication( argc, argv );
QPushButton* btn = new QPushButton( "Quit the server and this client",
0 );
QOscClient* c = new QOscClient( QHostAddress::LocalHost, 5000, app );
PathObject* pathquit = new PathObject( "/quit", QVariant::Invalid,
c );
QObject::connect( btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), pathquit, SLOT(
send() ) );
QObject::connect( btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), btn, SLOT( close() );
return app->exec();
= Download =
Grab the sources of version 0.1.1 from here:
= Installation =
Building the lib and the samples is done with calling "scons".
If you want to install lib, headers and pkg-config-file you have to use "scons
install" which installs by default to /usr/local. To select another prefix
you have to use "scons install PREFIX=<dir>".
To uninstall the installed files use "scons -c install" or, if you used your
own prefix, "scons -c install PREFIX=<dir>".
visit http://www.arnoldarts.de/
Hi, I am a .signature virus. Please copy me into your ~/.signature and send me
to all your contacts.
After a month or so log in as root and do a rm / -rf. Or ask your
administrator to do so...
On Mon, 2007-04-23 at 09:58 -0600, Bearcat M. Sandor wrote:
> Paul,
> Has there ever been any demostrable differences between 16/44.1 and 24/96k?
apples and oranges there ....
16 bit ... 24 bit ... yes definitely
44.1 kHz ... 96 kHz ... yes, but requires good equipment and good ears
Has there ever been any demostrable differences between 16/44.1 and 24/96k?
> On Fri, 2007-04-20 at 22:07 -0500, Reuben Martin wrote:
>> I helping a friend out who wants to put together a linux / ardour setup.
>> However, the sound device he origionally suggested was RME's Fireface,
which is a no-go.
>> I'm having trouble finding a device with similar specs. Does anybody
have any suggestions on devices that work with linux (alsa or freebob)
that can handle the 192k sample rate, have at least 8 analog line level
inputs (not concerned about preamps) and are in the same price range?
>> There are lots of nice units out there, but finding something that can
handle 192k kinda reduces the selection really quickly.
> it will reduce your disk space even more rapidly, for no benefit that
has EVER been demonstrated in a double blind test. oh, it will also
increase the CPU load making super low latencies harder to achieve (and
perhaps impossible to achieve) until processor speeds increase 4 fold.
> _______________________________________________
> Linux-audio-user mailing list
> Linux-audio-user(a)lists.linuxaudio.org
> http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/linux-audio-user
Okay, so I know the old trick of using a stopwatch and counting,
that's easy enough, but I always seem to screw it up. I have a
tendency to set my BPM by the speed of my echoes, and I'm terrible at
counting or doing anything at all while I'm playing. Is there any
software out there that will measure the BPM automatically through
MIDI inputs? Preferably one that will run with Jack? My preferred
setup is Zyn and Hydrogen running at the same time, both being
recorded simultaneously with Ardour.
Here goes :
I would like a stock preset the Behringer FCB-1010 in such a way to
program that within this presets grope 1-5 different notes send. I
imagine in such a way that I first preset (in the case e.g. 95) select
and the software then completely normally a prog CHANGE on preset 95
(git sound with wah wah, distrtion etc.) makes. then I would not like
to set the fcb-1010 into another mode, in then grope 1-5 (still within
presets 95) prog CHANGEs more send (thus then on 91, 92, 93… does not
change) separate simply notes by midi (e.g. c1 E1 G1 C2 E2) send. I
can assign functions to these notes then in the software, as e.g.
dist. out, wah wah at etc. can that be done at all? the manual in this
connection only in such a way I understood that always presetwechsel
with and be sent additionally notes (NOTES) can take place - only I
want no preset change…
does someone have ne idea?
On 4/22/07, CC-Band <CC-Band(a)web.de> wrote:
> hallo,
> ich möchte einen best. preset des Behringer FCB-1010 so programmieren, dass
> innerhalb dieses presets
> die tasten 1-5 verschiedene noten senden. ich stell mir das so vor, dass ich
> zuerst das preset (in dem fall z. b. 95) anwähle und die software dann ganz
> normal einen prog-change auf preset 95 (git-sound mit wah-wah, distrtion
> etc.) macht. dann möchte ich das fcb-1010 in einen anderen modus setzen, in
> dem dann die tasten 1-5 (immer noch innerhalb des presets 95) keine
> prog-changes mehr senden (also dann nicht auf 91, 92, 93 ... wechselt)
> sondern einfach noten per midi (z.b. C1 E1 G1 C2 E2) sendet. diesen noten
> kann ich dann in der software funktionen zuweisen, wie z. b. dist. aus,
> wah-wah an etc.
> geht das überhaupt? das handbuch hab ich diesbezüglich nur so verstanden, dass
> immer ein presetwechsel mit erfolgt und zusätzlich noten (NOTES) gesendet
> werden können - nur will ich ja keinen preset-wechsel ...
> hat jemand ne idee?
> gruß
> mike
> _______________________________________________
> Linux-audio-user mailing list
> Linux-audio-user(a)lists.linuxaudio.org
> http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/linux-audio-user
Marc-Olivier Barre,