Hi everyone!
I'm looking for a midi-interface. All it needs to do is: send out and
receive midi on on pair of cables and send to/receive from three other pairs
of cables. What would be my best guess. If possible I'd like something that's
statically configured, because I can't use C.Eckert's sysex-tool. Although
this dificulty can be overcome once.
Any ideas on that? I just thought your average midisport is too much for my
case and at the moment too expensive at that.
Kindest regards
Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)
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I have a 64bit machine with a AMD sempron processor carried by a
motherboard with one of those 'all in blunder' combined sound and
graphics chipsets (sis) in a low-profile case. I'm not concerned about
the sound as I don't use it for mastering, just office work and
noodling around with audio.
It seems that current drivers for this chipset are buggy as I get all
sorts of graphics nasties with debian etch, 64studio, PClinuxOS,
mandriva (you get the general idea). Oddly a very old version of
Mandrake has no problems nor does the 0.9 version of 64studio.
What I would like to do is find a reasonable quality, quiet, low profile
graphics card that definitely has working drivers.
Any suggestions?
Will J Godfrey
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Best regards,
Marc-Olivier Barre.
Asmo Koskinen:
>Well, it didn't:
>asmok@ubuntu:~$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
>asmok@ubuntu:~$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/bin
>asmok@ubuntu:~$ /usr/local/bin/jackdmp
>/usr/local/bin/jackdmp: error while loading shared libraries:
>libjackdmp.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
You need to set the environment variable, not the shell variable.
If you use bash:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
If you use csh (I think):
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/lib
is there any fix for jackmp for Ubuntu 7.04. I can compile it. But I
can't start it.
asmok@ubuntu:~/bin$ svn co
Checked out revision 324.
asmok@ubuntu:~/bin/jackmp/linux$ sudo make install
cp jackdmp /usr/local/bin
cp libjackmp.so /usr/local/lib
cp libjackdmp.so /usr/local/lib
install -d /usr/local/lib/jackmp/
cp jack_alsa.so /usr/local/lib/jackmp
cp jack_dummy.so /usr/local/lib/jackmp
[ -f jack_freebob.so ] && cp jack_freebob.so /usr/local/lib/jackmp ||
echo "freebob driver not installed"
freebob driver not installed
cd /usr/local/lib && [ -f libjack.so.0.0.23 ] && mv -f libjack.so.0.0.23
tmp_libjack.so.0.0.23 || echo "Jack not found, continue..."
Jack not found, continue...
cd /usr/local/lib && rm -f libjack.so*
cd /usr/local/lib && ln -s libjackmp.so libjack.so
cd /usr/local/lib && ln -s libjackmp.so libjack.so.0
asmok@ubuntu:~/bin/jackmp/linux$ cd /usr/local/bin
But then it's yelling:
asmok@ubuntu:/usr/local/bin$ ./jackdmp
./jackdmp: error while loading shared libraries: libjackdmp.so: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory
I got that:
asmok@ubuntu:/usr/local/bin$ ls -l /usr/local/lib | grep jack*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1296646 2007-08-18 13:36 libjackdmp.so
I like to try that Jackd's mp-version because I got one:
asmok@ubuntu:/usr/local/bin$ dmesg | grep CPU0
[ 49.774978] CPU0: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13GHz stepping 02
asmok@ubuntu:/usr/local/bin$ dmesg | grep CPU1
[ 49.845941] CPU1: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13GHz stepping 02
Best regards Asmo Koskinen.
Joshua D. Boyd wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-08-17 at 17:20 +0200, Dragan Noveski wrote:
>> hi list,
>> finally i got to the point to convince my girlfriend to switch from win
>> to linux, so i am looking now in the internet for a good-price-laptop
>> for her.
>> since i am on ibm here and very happy with this, we are looking now for
>> 'lenovo 3000 n100' here:
>> http://www.notebooksbilliger.de/product_info.php/lenovo_3000_n100_megaaktio…
>> (sorry the link is in german).
>> so the question i have is first about the processor:
>> Intel Core™ Duo für Mobile
>> <javascript:popupWindow('http://indigo.intel.com/Syndication/DistributeModule.aspx?a=165&m=133&l=6&p…','infocontent','top=200,left=100,resizable=1,scrollbars=0,width=960,height=655');>
>> T2450 2x 2,0 GHz
>> does anyone can recommend this processor or is there someone who could
>> say "don't get that!"
>> i have a celeronM here and that works pretty good for me, but i do not
>> have any experience in setting up linux for dual-technologies.
>> another question is about the hd:
>> there is not specified which hd is build in, but it only makes 5400rpm.
>> should we expect any problems on a hd with that speed?
>> so in generally i would go for some hardware, where we can get ubuntu or
>> sth similar installed, without too much problems. in the end the machine
>> should be used for multimedia and some networking.
>> i am really looking forward for some answers on this!
> I have a higher end version of the same notebook at work. It hasn't
> been very nice to use with linux. I can't get the firewire or wireless
> to work. I can't get the power modes to work nicely. Also, the
> construction isn't as nice as the Thinkpads, there are only two mouse
> buttons instead of three, and the display isn't as nice. The previous
> work notebook was a Thinkpad R series, and it just worked perfectly. It
> actually got more battery life from Linux than it did on Windows. The
> reason I don't still have the Thinkpad R series is that it was stolen
> >from airport luggage.
joshua, this is exactly a feedback i wanted to have, since you are
directly experienced with almost the same machine!
very much thanks for the comments - i think i will have a look at sth
like thinkpad-r60..
Okay, so I did all the software experiments for the past couple years
and have been running just fine using Planet CCRMA's packages in
Fedora on an old piece of crap computer. I've gotten fairly good at
what I do for what I have, and I am to the point where I believe that
my performance and quality issues are due to the hardware restrictions
of my current machine, mostly due to the fact that my motherboard has
an integrated soundcard which I've been using to control my mic and
MIDI, ugh. I'm ready to go out and plunk down a large amount of cash
on a new system. Here's my problem, I have no idea what to get.
I love things like JACK, Zyn, Seq24, Hydrogen, and Ardour, but not
sure how new hardware would affect the operations of such programs. I
have determined so far that I would like to have a Hammerfall HDSP
card, but not sure whether I want to go for a 64 bit processor yet.
My current mic is a cheap $30 Radio Shack mic and I'm not sure whether
my sound card or my mic is the reason why the pick-up on it is so low
and infested with noise. My USB MIDI cable is about the only piece of
hardware that I'm actually happy with, I even want to get a new
keyboard that has a pitch bender on the side. All this time I have
been learning the Linux audio apps and stuff I have never bothered to
even question what type of hardware I SHOULD be running.
So I guess my question is this: Any suggestions? What works, what doesn't?
Chip VanDan
Version: 3.12
GCA/FA/S/O d+(--) s+: a-- C+++ L++ P E-- W++ N-
o K? w O-- M- V- PS+ PE- Y+ PGP t- 5-- X R- !tv
b++ DI++ D+ G+ e+/++ h--- r--/+++ z+++(*)
Rather than asking the same questions for the umpteenth time, I'd like to search the archives first, but I'm not sure how, other than just reading endlessly. I'm used to forums, such as Ubuntu and Linux questions. I was on listservs in the '90's, but don't recall how to search. Do you have any tips/howtos/FMs for me to R?
If you want to read my question, there is a thread in Ubuntu forums:
where I post as Aurora. Page 4 & 5 are the relevant pages.
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