csDrummer: Record a drum session in a virtual studio
Copyright (C) 2008 Schlagg
csDrummer allows you to achieve same result as if you were recording a drum
session in a real studio. Instruments are triggered by MIDI messages either
real-time or from MIDI file. An audio stream formed for each instrument is
routed to its own channel, thereby simulating a microphone record. Software
uses sound morphing technology for interpolation between two layers of an
instrument sampled with maximum and minimum hit force. This brings a much
more realistic effect than switching between a number of separate layers.
Each hit passes through humanizing filters which alter its force, morphing
and time offset. Theese filters give an effect of a real human playing a
drum set.
All documentation, source code and distributives can be found at
Which kernel are you using Matt? I think I had similar crashes with a kernel.
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I am helping to (hopefully) produce a CD of one of the bands I'm in. The recording and mixing has been done on ProTools on a Mac, but it's been suggested that we "get it mastered". Before we spend money we don't have on some mastering house, I'd like to take the WAV files of the scratch mixes we have, feed them through Jamin, and see if the result is satisfactory.
I'm certain I could write this, but I don't want to if it's already been done. So, is there a command line tool out there that will take a WAV file as an input, put JACK into freeswheeling mode, then jack_connect to a running Jamin instance's stereo in and out ports, open a WAV file for capturing the output, feed the input WAV file in to JAMIN and at the same time start capturing samples for the output WAV file, and thus basically feed this through JAMIN as fast as it can and give me a finished WAV file that's been "mastered"?
I tried scripting this with jack_capture and mplayer, but there are two problems. The first problem is the mplayer starts playing before I can connect its output ports to JAMIN's input ports. The second problem is that jack_capture starts capturing long before mplayer is started, and then doesn't stop until long after mplayer is done, which gives me a bunch of silence at the beginning and end of the capture file, which is annoying and has to be cut out manually in some kind of audio editor later on.
>I agree. Have you tried musescore (mscore)?
>Probably the most featured WYSIWYG right now. Various features added at my
I have tried MuseScore but right now it is a bit unstable for everyday
use, IMHO. It is a great project though, and I'm greatly looking
forward to a stable 1.0 release.
~Nathan R. Hale
Rom. 12:2
------M y W e b s i t e s----------------------------------------------
http://nathanrhale.com - personal site
http://productivelinux.com - get stuff done w/Linux!
http://linuxmusicians.com - create music freely
there is a GUI tool named Aconnectgui. I use it for connecting MIDI ports to
and between MIDI applications that connect to the ALSA sound system and MIDI
It seems there is a bug:
Step 1:
Run Aconnectgui.
Step 2:
Run fluidsynth -a alsa --midi-channels=48
This will start up fluidsynth and fluidsynth will create three virtual MIDI
port (instances) that will show up in the Aconnectgui tool.
Step 3:
enter "quit" in fluidsynth. The MIDI IN ports of fluidsynth are closed and
deleted in Aconnectgui.
Step 4:
Run fluidsynth again as in step 2. BUG: Aconnectgui will only display the
first of the three MIDI IN ports of fluidsynth.
You can now close Aconnectgui and rerun it. It will display three MIDI IN
connections for fluidsynth again, which is correct.
Is this truely a bug or am I missing out something? I think it is rather
annoying when testing MIDI stuff a lot. Aconnectgui ought to update the
connections in a more reliable way.
Thanks for any help and regards,
Am Mittwoch, 24. September 2008 schrieb simone-www.io-lab.org:
> thank you for your interest in this desperate case ;)
> yes everything is connected and powered on as supposed to be
> the only thing i come to think about is: i am using a PCMCIA card
> which has 3 ports but in Jack i don t have nay ohter choise than hw:0
> , that may be the symptom of an unrecognized device?
If your fw-card has three ports, there are two possibilities:
a) pass hw:X with X in {0,1,2} in the jackd-commandline
b) plug the fw-cable into all of the ports and test with each one (with jackd
on hw:0)...
> i haven t been able to compile gscanbus yet (probs with GTK)
Too bad. Why not use the one shipped by your distro?
visit http://www.arnoldarts.de/
Hi, I am a .signature virus. Please copy me into your ~/.signature and send me
to all your contacts.
After a month or so log in as root and do a "rm -rf /". Or ask your
administrator to do so...
Indeed, NtEd has come a long way, very quickly! Once the author adds
just a few more features, it will be ready for prime-time as a
typesetter for concert music and and even lead sheets! As professional
musician and music masters student, I'm really looking forward to
Linux having a stable and fully WYSIWYG score editor.
~Nathan R. Hale
Rom. 12:2
------M y W e b s i t e s----------------------------------------------
http://nathanrhale.com - personal site
http://productivelinux.com - get stuff done w/Linux!
http://linuxmusicians.com - create music freely
2008/9/10 Fons Adriaensen <fons(a)kokkinizita.net>:
> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 01:01:58PM +0200, Martin Horn wrote:
>> I don't know if such a thing exists for the linux audio world, but to get
>> the effect of an exciter you basically need multiband dynamics. That is a
>> compressor/ expander that works in multiple frequency bands which are
>> separated by crossovers.
> That would be more a 'compellor' than an exciter.
> Easy to confuse, both are originally from Aphex.
Someone wrote a kind of tutorial some time ago:
Would be nice to have this as jack-rack file or in rackarrack.
exciter : audio-signal => highpass
=> dissortion => add to audio-signal
enhancer: audio-signal => (different) bandpass filters => dissortion
=> add to audio-signal
(so described in wikipedia)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: simone-www. io-lab. org <cimo75(a)gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: [LAU] Unable to launch jack with a FA-66
To: Arnold Krille <arnold(a)arnoldarts.de>
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 10:28 AM, Arnold Krille <arnold(a)arnoldarts.de> wrote:
> Am Montag, 22. September 2008 schrieb simone-www.io-lab.org:
>> [io@localhost ~]$ testlibraw
>> successfully got handle
>> current generation number: 0
>> 0 card(s) found
> Do you see anything else then your local computer in gscanbus?
> Are all the cables connected correctly? Is the device in question powered on?
hi Arnold
thank you for your interest in this desperate case ;)
yes everything is connected and powered on as supposed to be
the only thing i come to think about is: i am using a PCMCIA card
which has 3 ports but in Jack i don t have nay ohter choise than hw:0
, that may be the symptom of an unrecognized device?
i haven t been able to compile gscanbus yet (probs with GTK)
> Have fun,
> Arnold
> --
> visit http://www.arnoldarts.de/
> ---
> Hi, I am a .signature virus. Please copy me into your ~/.signature and send me
> to all your contacts.
> After a month or so log in as root and do a "rm -rf /". Or ask your
> administrator to do so...
> _______________________________________________
> Linux-audio-user mailing list
> Linux-audio-user(a)lists.linuxaudio.org
> http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-user
.wmv , .wma , .pps along with all proprietary Windows formats won t be
accepted and/or viewed....
.wmv , .wma , .pps along with all proprietary Windows formats won t be
accepted and/or viewed....
Am Montag, 22. September 2008 schrieben Sie:
> On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 4:51 PM, Arnold Krille <arnold(a)arnoldarts.de> wrote:
> > Probably the most common problem: /dev/raw1394 is not accessible by the
> > user...
> i tried to follow all kind of howtos. setting the proper permissions
> and adding the user to the proper group but with no result
Please post the output of "ls -la /dev/raw*" and "groups". And if that really
is okay, the next question is whether your kernel uses the old firewire-stack
or the new one...
> > PS: surely you want this to stay on the list?
> sorry i don t understand..
You started the thread on the lau-mailinglist, yet you keep answering only to
me in private. Unless you did that on purpose (for example if we are to
discuss very personal things) this is considered semi-bad because a) others
might be able to help where I can't and b) others might have the same problem
later on and see only your question in the archives but not the solution...
Have fun,
visit http://www.arnoldarts.de/
Hi, I am a .signature virus. Please copy me into your ~/.signature and send me
to all your contacts.
After a month or so log in as root and do a "rm -rf /". Or ask your
administrator to do so...