Hello all,
It's been over 10 years since I've done any digital audio stuff on my PC and
now having finally bought a house, I'm actually going to have some room in
the basement to setup a DAW, my Yamaha DTX II kit, keyboard, etc. and have
some fun.
Anyways, back in the day, triggering audio samples via MIDI was always a bit
of a hassle with my (at the time) underpowered machine with the various VST
instruments. I now have a P4 3.0GHz box with 2GB RAM and some sort of
newish Soundblaster card and I'm interested in triggering live .wav/digital
audio drum samples with my kit and some Hammond B3 emulators from my
keyboard. I'd like to do some multitrack MIDI and audio recording as well
(most likely overdubs so a multi-input soundcard/break-out device isn't
really in the picture right now).
Can anyone suggest what software (or any how-tos/sites) I should be looking
at? What distro is best? I'm more confortable with Debian/Ubuntu
Thanks in advance
Does the Edirol UA-101 play audio sent to it via USB? Can you monitor
(phones) the usb audio? And does it record audio? Do you have to
reboot the when switching between recording and playing?
The UA-25EX that I just purchased does not do allow monitoring of usb
input, and when using the mode 96kHz you have to reboot the device when
switching from recording to playing. Both of these are serious down
sides to the use I had in mind for the device.
Allan Wind
Life Integrity, LLC
Thanks to everyone who has responded. The LAU list rocks!
After doing some investigation today, it looks like my approach will be:
1) Sign with someone like Magnatune to handle the commercial side, official releases and promotion. Now there's an agency that seems to understand both artists' and listeners' needs; they promote and distribute, you retain the rights to the music (so you can still give stuff away), you can make a little money, and your audience *owns* what they've bought...as it should be.
2) Create a dedicated web-site, to host lots of free extras - demos of new stuff, things that don't make it on the official releases, remixes, re-recordings, live recordings.
BTW: I found an interesting article by Courtney Love on the subject - it's quite old, a bit political, but a good read:
We live in exciting times.
- shanerich
Hi you all,
I am trying to compile a RT kernel after the recent fix by Adam Samson but
probably I am missing something.
I have saved this content in a text file (adam_patch)
--- linux-2.6.26/kernel/softirq.c_orig 2009-01-04 14:41:06.000000000 +0000
+++ linux-2.6.26/kernel/softirq.c 2009-01-04 14:41:49.000000000 +0000
@@ -657,7 +657,7 @@
list = __get_cpu_var(tasklet_hi_vec).head;
__get_cpu_var(tasklet_hi_vec).head = NULL;
- __get_cpu_var(tasklet_hi_vec).tail = &__get_cpu_var(tasklet_vec).head;
+ __get_cpu_var(tasklet_hi_vec).tail = &__get_cpu_var(tasklet_hi_vec).head;
__tasklet_action(a, list);
but when tryin to apply the patch...
agf:/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.26# patch -p1 -i adam_patch
patching file kernel/softirq.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 657.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file kernel/softirq.c.rej
Ingo Molnar uploaded a new rt-13 patch (10-Jan-2009), but I am not sure if
the latest fixes by Adam are included... 'cause jackd freezes when trying to
use alsa seq
Any ideas?
Yes, it finally happened, I got off by backside and fixed the accent to
work properly.
More info at http://www.nekosynth.co.uk/wiki/nekobee
For the impatient you can grab the tarball:
You can grab it from svn:
Or you can follow the most up-to-date developments in trunk:
Have fun, and let me know if you rattle any bugs loose.
Hi Shane.
I've set up systems just as you describe for a number of clients using the content management system Drupal. If you've got some simple web programing
experience then you could do this on your own. If you don't then you can approach a Drupal developer on their forums. A default Drupal installation
has all of the features that you need in delivering your media and managing your community. The Drupal website is http://www.drupal.org/ and you'll
find a link to their forums/paid services on their homepage.
The hosting company that you choose will depend upon how busy your site is. If you have many people downloading DVD images, or many people using
interactive features of the website at the same time then you'd need a faster, perhaps dedicated, server. Most large webhosts provide a selection of
plans to choose from and if you select a cheaper plan you can usually upgrade to something more suitable.
I've not configured CD audio tracks to include everything that you require. Perhaps someone else on the list can answer this question.
Simon Ives
shane richards wrote:
>Hi all,
>Sometime in the next 3 months I hope to release a new album.
>I wish to completely avoid the record companies - as I got burned
>badly in the 90's - and they still don't seem to get the deal with
>regards to open, friendly licensing for 21st century.
>So I'm looking at releasing on the web independantly.
>I know what I want:
>- host the CD 44k, DVD 48k images and individual tracks
>- provide CD covers/labels etc. for dl and printing
>- provide some way of previewing/streaming the tracks online
>- provide some kind of ratings/feedback section
>- provide a way for people to pay for physical media
>? if they want a disk delivered to their door
>- lastly, make sure that if someone plays a track or CD
>? with ITunes or Amarok etc. that all the graphics, info,
>? homepage etc. appear in the program
>But I have absolutely no idea where to start!
>Any info/ideas would be greatly appreciated. Especially in
>regards to webhosts that are friendly for this sort of thing,
>and links to other artists that have done this successfully.
>- shanerich
Hi Shanerich,
Check your emails, I have sent you some info on hosting plans and an offer to help you set up a CMS so you can manage your own website and provide the services you wish to offer. Certainly make use of the other marketing avenues suggested here, but by having your own website you are able to provide features without constraint.
Cheers, Anthony.
Free Windows Live software. Chat, search, share pics and more
Dave Phillips schrieb:
> Hartmut Noack wrote:
> Is this a seq24 problem ? Are you using the latest release from the new
> team ?
Yes, it is the latest Seq24 but I must admit, that seq24 is still
somewhat exotic in the MIDI-context, so I would not be surrised, if
Aspect works much better with Qtractor or RG...
At the other hand: *any* other app I tried so far, worked flawless with
> Zyn is unsupported, has problems with JACK, needs more default patches,
> and is not exactly transparent to program.
Zyns jackd-trouble is a valid argument, though I did not test Aspect
under really hard circumstances - only on my Laptop with a puny
Behringer USB-card with settings for around 80ms latency. Zyn performs
just perfect with such settings too...
> and is not exactly transparent to program.
You mean to program as in program or as in setting up a sound-patch? In
the latter case I dont agree: I loved the powerful interface of Zyn from
the first time I saw it. It may be time-consuming to get a certain sound
but the whole process is fun and yields a manifold of unpredicted cool
sounds as a side-effect ;-)
> The JUCE development framework is very nice, but apparently few of the
> LAD crew find any attraction in it. Too bad.
I guess, if there would be a commonly used build-machanism delivered
with JOST this could change.
> A better question might be: Would you pay $70US for an enterprising
> Linux audio programmer to provide that function in a plugin or utility ?
> I'd gladly chip into a fund for such a thing, if I needed it.
Well thats some challenge ;-)
I hereby set a bounty of EURO 50,- payable via the infamous pay-pal or
as cash in a letter for anybody who implements such a feature in a free
software delay usable as a standalone and as a LV2-plugin and/or LADSPA
(though I fear, it is hard to achieve if at all with LADSPA...)
Must have: get the timing from Alsa and/or jack MIDI
Nice to have: Beat-detection
Who is with me? :-)
> Agree++, and I will continue to encourage the trend in my articles.
Yes - commercial plugins as a native addition to the Linux-Audio
ecosystem are good - an addition, not a replacement....