Hi All,
Here is my last track of the year (although probably not finished).
Early 90's shoegaze style with lots of nods in the direction of the
likes of My Bloody Valentine, and probably/maybe some Goth influences too??
All recorded with Renoise:
As always, comments and criticisms gratefully received..
One thing I'm not totally happy with is the "fizzy" distortion. I think
this might just be a result of using the computer rather than a valve
amp, but I'm particularly interested in improving this aspect...
> > So with a free impulse-response all should be well?
> >
> > But why use a VST plugin under linux to apply an IR when there is already
> > jconvolver present?
> >
> > *me wonders*
> >
> > Arnold
> >
> Hi Arnold,
> Some reasons come to this mind:
> A functional GUI.
> Better sound.
> Choice.
> I prefer the color yellow with my reverb's UI.
> VST plugins mean the world to me.
> Just some possible answers to your question. They are not necessarily
> valid, true, or believable, they're just possible replies.
> HTH,
> dp
I have break out the jconv settings gui from guitarix and make it available as
stand alone app.
It act as a (stereo) Host for jconv/jconvolver, to create/save/load/run
configuration files for the use with jconvolver.
Indeed this Gui didn't cover the full advance of jconv/jconvolver, but may be
the one or other found it useful.
Additional jcgui provide master gain, left/right gain, balance, left/right delay and
tone bass/middle/high controllers.
It's designed to use in realtime environment (jack) to processing data, not for apply
to a file.
get it here :
have fun hermann
I found this in a pile of old OGG's. It was taped off of a radio show on KCSM radio in Los Angeles, that I'd recorded on cassette in 1988 or so, and then digitized when testing out Ogg Vorbis sometime in 2001 or 2002.
I have enjoyed listening to that track for over 20 years now, but I have no idea who this band is, but I'd love to find out.
It was a fusion radio show, but I say "prog" because that harmonized guitar line just screams "prog rock".
Anyway, if anyone has any ideas who that is, I'd love to know.
a friend of mine just downloaded and burnt the 64studio 2.0 live CD and gets
asked for the username and password to log in...
Anyone know what these are?
The website and faqs apparently makes no mention of it, and I seem to have
trouble getting onto the website at all...
Hi all,
A whole update is available:
- README & TUTORIELS in pdf. (not completely translated)
- All the old patterns + updates are in La Bibliothèque.
- 2 drumkits-GM for Hydrogen with Timidity's samples.
- (Csound) A basic drumkit-GM of mine for csDrummer by Schlagg.
Have fun.
The FFADO team is proud and happy to announce the release of FFADO 2.0.0.
As the release candidates have been around for almost one year now
without a significant amount of bug reports we feel confident that the
current code-base has matured. Around the end of november the 1000-th
device was registered as being used with FFADO, which seemed to be a
nice number to triggered the release.
Furthermore on December 2 the Linux kernel version 2.6.32 has been
released. This version fixes the new kernel FireWire drivers such that
they are compatible with FFADO. So once the distributions pick up this
kernel the old/new kernel stack confusion should be history.
Thanks go out to the vendors that provided us with gear to support for
the 2.0 release: Echo Digital Audio, Edirol, Ego Systems Inc, Focusrite,
Mackie and Terratec. Kudos for their early-bird support!
Special thanks also go to BridgeCo and TC Applied for providing us with
their development platforms and for helping with vendor contacts. Their
support makes that FFADO covers the most widely used platforms for
FireWire audio and that we can quickly implement support for new devices.
Looking ahead to the 2.1 release we can announce that we have
implemented (basic) support for additional devices from Focusrite,
Behringer, Stanton and TC Electronic. We plan to move to beta-testing
2.1 fairly soon as development on it has been ongoing for more than a
year now. Additionally, work is being done on the RME devices, but its
not yet known when that will be finished. Support for some other vendors
is in the pipeline, so stay tuned for more announcements.
A second major development is the move of the streaming infrastructure
to kernel space. A kernel-space implementation will bring significant
improvements with respect to reliability and efficiency. Furthermore it
will allow to expose an ALSA interface, meaning that the scope of
FireWire audio on Linux is extended significantly. Thanks to the Google
Summer of Code and the Linux Foundation, work on this has been done
during the summer. The code is not yet ready for use, but things are moving.
More information can be found here:
For the eager, a direct download link:
On behalf of the FFADO team,
Pieter Palmers
Hi all,
I have a Korg Oasys synth that has some digital based drums, and a
Jomox xbase 999 analog drum machine, which also has an analog filter.
I'd like to use some of the preset drum patterns on the Oasys as a
starting point, and play them on the Jomox via midi and run the output
thru the analog filter.
Problem is: The MIDI notes on the jomox aren't the same as the kit I
want to use in the Oasys. I have a midisport 2x2 that works fine in
linux (opensuse 11.2) . I have jackd seemingly running properly. I'd
like to capture the MIDI coming out of the Oasys, capture it on linux
into perhaps a midi file, and then edit the notes so that they match
the kit on the Jomox. If that plan makes sense, once I get to that
point I could use any midi sequencer to get the pattern to the jomox.
Can anyone give me some advice on this?
Googling brought me to Qtractor and CSound for midi capture, but they
don't seem to be the right tool for midi capture over usb. If they
are, any pointers would be helpful.