I am considering to dig a bit deeper into audio application programming and
now I wonder which IDE and programming language to use. Are Mono, Monodevelop
and C# too bloated for that or are they it just as fine as any other
IDE/programming language like C/C++ would be?
Thx for any recommendations here.
I've finally tried to make a realtime kernel for Debian, as posted on my site
here: http://www.nescivi.nl/?p=111 (and also below, but without cross-
However, I'm still getting xruns in jackd, at rather uncritical settings
(large period sizes...).
So I'm wondering what else could be going wrong...
I also found it a bit weird that the Debian package building did not make the
initrd image.
I’ve finally sat down and tried to make a realtime kernel for Debian, for my
64bit machine.
I followed the instructions I found in this post on the Debian forums.
First, I got the Debian sources for 2.6.29, from my repository (so using
It puts the sources in /usr/src.
Then I got the latest realtime patches from
Then I made a dir in my home directory
mkdir kernel
cd kernel
cp /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.29.tar.gz .
tar -xf linux-source-2.6.29.tar.gz
mv linux-source-2.6.29 linux-2.6.29-source-rt
cd linux-2.6.29-source-rt
bzcat ../patch- |patch -p1
I added this to the Makefile:
To start from my current kernel configuration
make oldconfig
Then I got a whole bunch of questions, most of which I answered taking the
default options. Only for the realtime-preemption question I chose option 4,
the realtime option.
I looked at the options with menuconfig, but didn’t really change anything
more there. The timer frequency mentioned in the post above seems to be
preceded by the dynamic ticks option, which was turned on.
make menuconfig
I had to unselect “staging” and the “comedi” drivers as these caused errors
during building, and according to some messages on LAU I don’t really need it.
Build a kernel the Debian way:
make-kpkg clean
time fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd -rev mz1 kernel_image kernel_headers
To also build a source package:
time fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd -rev mz1 kernel_image kernel_headers
This will take a while.
Your new kernel & headers now live in ../kernel Use dpkg -i to install (as
dpkg -i ../linux-headers-*.deb ../linux-image-*.deb
So good so far… but the kernel didn’t boot yet…
and the initrd file was missing
So with the initramfs-tools from the debian repository,
I did (as root)
mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-2.6.29-rt16 2.6.29-rt16
which created the initrd image.
Also editing it appropriately in grub (/boot/grub/menu.lst) so that the boot
process knows about it.
I get this error often but without an specific indication of why:
LibFreeBoB ERR: Dropped packets on connection 1
And then I get a glitch in my audio.
I use ubuntu and I have libfreebob 1.0.11-0ubuntu1
I have my cpu clocked as fast as it can go and very little load on my system [I
don't have my web browser open, I'm only recording audio using mhwaveedit].
I'm wondering if anyone has any strategies I can take to get rid of this? It is
super annoying because I'm trying to record records into my computer and every
time this happens I have to start the song over.
I have a Akai USB record player, USB Audio Codec out.
I can record into Audicity, but I also just want the audio coming into the
PC just to be sent through a software audio mixer to the speakers.
Does anyone know of a software audio mixer supporting this?
I'm trying to use the nekobee synth but there's a problem with the decay
Using seq24 to play it and the gtk gui to tweak it there's no way to make
the decay control to work.
I also tried to use cc automation on it as described in the readme file but
it does not work at all.
All the other controls work fine with the gui and the cc commands
It's obvious it's a bug, but I wonder what it takes to fix it.
Has anyone any idea?
Hello everybody,
i'm quite new to this list, but i already learned a lot about audio on Linux.
In one of the last post, i read about Lv2rack, and i thought to try it immediately.
After installing dependencies i could do make and make install, but when i try launching it i have this error:
lash_open_socket: could not connect to host 'localhost', service '14541'
lash_comm_connect_to_server: could not create server connection
lash_open_socket: could not connect to host 'localhost', service '14541'
lash_comm_connect_to_server: could not create server connection
lash_open_socket: could not connect to host 'localhost', service '14541'
lash_comm_connect_to_server: could not create server connection
lash_open_socket: could not connect to host 'localhost', service '14541'
lash_comm_connect_to_server: could not create server connection
lash_open_socket: could not connect to host 'localhost', service '14541'
lash_comm_connect_to_server: could not create server connection
lash_open_socket: could not connect to host 'localhost', service '14541'
lash_comm_connect_to_server: could not create server connection
lash_init: could not connect to server 'localhost' - disabling LASH
After that Lv2rack start normally. When I try loading one of swh LV2 plugin, it exits with this error:
Segmentation fault
and i also get an Xlrun exception from Jackd. I've no problem loading Lv2fil or Calf plugins.
I got back to compile it again and i've this warning at the end:
Prefix : /usr/local
Dynparam1 plugins support : no
Python include dir : -I/usr/include/python2.6
Python script dir : /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/
Dev version : no
configure: WARNING: ==================================================
configure: WARNING: == ==
configure: WARNING: == pythondir is NOT in your Python's sys.path ==
configure: WARNING: == which means you should add it to PYTHONPATH ==
configure: WARNING: == at runtime, or add a .pth file to one of ==
configure: WARNING: == your Python's existing sys.path directories. ==
configure: WARNING: == ==
configure: WARNING: == Alternatively, re-run ./configure with ==
configure: WARNING: == PYLIBDIR set to override the default ==
configure: WARNING: == pythondir, or adjust prefix to match the ==
configure: WARNING: == prefix used to build your Python. ==
configure: WARNING: == ==
configure: WARNING: ==================================================
It's quite strange because i've that dir in my sys.path...
And when i try make, i've this problem also:
Could not write function zynjacku_lv2_load: No ArgType for const-LV2_Feature*-const*
Could not write function zynjacku_lv2_unload: No ArgType for zynjacku_lv2_handle
Could not write function zynjacku_lv2_connect_port: No ArgType for zynjacku_lv2_handle
Could not write function zynjacku_lv2_run: No ArgType for zynjacku_lv2_handle
Could not write function zynjacku_lv2_activate: No ArgType for zynjacku_lv2_handle
Could not write function zynjacku_lv2_deactivate: No ArgType for zynjacku_lv2_handle
Could not write function zynjacku_lv2_get_descriptor: No ArgType for zynjacku_lv2_handle
Could not write function zynjacku_lv2_get_handle: No ArgType for zynjacku_lv2_handle
Could not write function zynjacku_lv2_message: No ArgType for zynjacku_lv2_handle
***INFO*** The coverage of global functions is 25.00% (3/12)
***INFO*** The coverage of methods is 100.00% (46/46)
***INFO*** There are no declared virtual proxies.
***INFO*** There are no declared virtual accessors.
***INFO*** There are no declared interface proxies.
I'm running Ubuntu 9.04, kernel 2.6.28-11-generic (i'm having problems with rt at the moment).
Thank you for any help!
Hi all,
Seems that this is the week of new songs. I recorded this on Tuesday
with my accomplice. I honestly cannot tell you what style it is...
spoken-word-slam-with-electroacoustic-free-improv. But I really
think of it as blues. Go figure (feel free to suggest a style). The
text is set in stone and in French (unfortunately for some of you, I
will try to come up with a translation because I think it is
worthwhile) and everything else is structured improv. The title is
Assoifée (Thirsty).
Anyways, for those curious about technical side of things: vox
(female), an Ibanez Roadstar, a 2" screw and a pen cartridge (I think
it's Parker, but cannot confirm right now), as well as a wiimote
(don't you love that electromagnetic interference) running through Pd
for extra spice. Tracked live in Ardour where I added a touch of
reverb to the unprocessed voice and maybe some slight compression here
and there but I cannot recall.
I'm glad to see the blog post regarding OSS has elicited some strong and
informative opinions
I've recently switched from OS X to Linux for sound work in my studio
for a multitude of reasons which I'm sure I don't have to enumerate.
I'm a laptop musician/composer, writer and a founder of the .microsound
community (come visit us > http://www.microsound.org) which will be ten
years old this October.
I've worked in Silicon Valley for Beatnik and Staccato Systems back in
the late 90's where I oversaw the creation of content for web and video
games. I've worked in Max/MSP on OS X since 1998 after a brief stint
with Csound and an even briefer stint with SuperCollider 1.0.
So although I'm no stranger to computer audio (on Mac and PC) I have
been wading thru the muck that Linux audio is with alternating bouts of
enlightenment and confusion -- although I have to admit audio on Linux
has improved vastly since I tried to get audio working in Ubuntu on a
PPC back in 2006.
But it can be extremely confusing and byzantine to musicians approaching
it in a manner deeper than just playing mp3s while surfing and doing
email. Imagine a newcomer wanting to untangle the mess of ESD (old, I
know), OSS, ALSA and now PortAudio in order to tweak their computer for
creating music? Then - add to that getting certain audio hardware to
work properly? Not for the faint hearted.
I know I'm preaching to the choir here but at some point someone with
some clout in the Linux world is going to have to read the riot act to
kernal developers w/r/t audio.
But it is also lists such as this one that make a huge difference in
educating musicians just coming to Linux and helping them to separate
the hype from the reality when it comes to OSS, PortAudio and Firewire
audio and drivers etc etc.
I just wanted to introduce myself and say thanks to all those who took
the time to send me an email about the OSS blog post :)
drew Roberts wrote:
> On Saturday 13 June 2009 03:25:54 david wrote:
>> Joan Quintana wrote:
>>> Very nice all this stuff... before suggesting to make a database with all
>>> this works, google searching I found
>>> http://lam.fugal.net/
>>> (maybe most of you already know this link). So you can index there your
>>> works.
>> I've been there before, but at the moment, it doesn't seem to be coming up.
> It may have been LAUded then. I got there after the post... ~;-)
It did eventually come up. Not updated very often.
authenticity, honesty, community