Dear all,
A bit late because of the Holidays here in the Netherlands, but it's
here nonetheless, the Linux Audio Monthly Round-Up #5. Again I had some
really positive feedback which is very gratifying of course and it
powers the drive to continue writing these round-ups. Back to business,
what was November all about?
Apologies for cross-posting.
Linux Laptop Orchestra or (L2Ork) is currently in the final stages of planning its debut European tour. While most venues have been already arranged for we are currently in the process of seeking additional performance opportunities in Paris, France as well as Berlin, Germany. Our target dates are May 17-31, 2011 with anticipated stops in Ljubljana, Budapest, Linz, Berlin, Hamburg, Utrecht, Amsterdam, Paris, and Birmingham.
If anyone is aware of potential venues in Paris and Berlin and/or contacts that may be able to point us in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it if you would please email me at your earliest convenience.
For additional info on L2Ork please visit
Thank you very much!
Best wishes,
Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
Composition, Music Technology
Director, DISIS Interactive Sound & Intermedia Studio
Director, L2Ork Linux Laptop Orchestra
Assistant Co-Director, CCTAD
CHCI, CS, and Art (by courtesy)
Virginia Tech
Dept. of Music - 0240
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-6139
(540) 231-5034 (fax)
You probably know that Fluxbox is pretty good for working with audio.
Light and extremely configurable. Inspired by the Xmonad default
settings for key binding, here is a 'keys'
file which may help you to set up your Fluxbox configuration. And maybe
you are able to give some suggestions and tips to make the file better
or to help improve the workflow. It's not about the exact keybindings
but more about the 'concepts' in it.
# click on the desktop to get menus
OnDesktop Mouse1 :HideMenus
OnDesktop Mouse2 :WorkspaceMenu
OnDesktop Mouse3 :RootMenu
# scroll on the desktop to change workspaces
OnDesktop Mouse4 :PrevWorkspace
OnDesktop Mouse5 :NextWorkspace
# scroll on the toolbar to change workspaces
OnToolbar Mouse4 :PrevWorkspace
OnToolbar Mouse5 :NextWorkspace
# alt + left/right click to move/resize a window
OnWindow Mod1 Mouse1 :MacroCmd {Raise} {Focus} {StartMoving}
OnWindow Mod1 Mouse3 :MacroCmd {Raise} {Focus} {StartResizing NearestCorner}
# middle click a window's titlebar and drag to attach windows
OnTitlebar Mouse2 :StartTabbing
# double click on the titlebar to shade
OnTitlebar Double Mouse1 :Shade
# right click on the titlebar for a menu of options
OnTitlebar Mouse3 :WindowMenu
# alt-tab
Mod1 Tab :NextWindow {groups}
Mod1 Shift Tab :PrevWindow {groups}
# cycle through tabs in the current window
Mod4 Tab :NextTab
Mod4 Shift Tab :PrevTab
# go to a specific tab in the current window
Mod4 F1 :Tab 1
Mod4 F2 :Tab 2
Mod4 F3 :Tab 3
Mod4 F4 :Tab 4
Mod4 F5 :Tab 5
Mod4 F6 :Tab 6
Mod4 F7 :Tab 7
Mod4 F8 :Tab 8
Mod4 F9 :Tab 9
# open a terminal
Mod4 Shift x :ExecCommand xterm +sm
Mod4 Shift t :Exec konsole
# open a dialog to run programs
Mod1 F2 :Exec fbrun
# volume settings, using common keycodes
# if these don't work, use xev to find out your real keycodes
176 :Exec amixer sset Master,0 1+
174 :Exec amixer sset Master,0 1-
160 :Exec amixer sset Master,0 toggle
# current window commands
Mod4 Shift c :Close
Mod4 Shift z :KillWindow
Mod4 Shift a :CloseAllWindows
#move windows
Mod4 Shift j :MoveLeft 10
Mod4 Shift l :MoveRight 10
Mod4 Shift m :MoveDown 10
Mod4 Shift i :MoveUp 10
Mod4 F9 :Minimize
#Mod1 F10 :Maximize
Mod4 space :Maximize
Mod4 F11 :Fullscreen
# open the window menu
Mod1 space :WindowMenu
# exit fluxbox
Mod4 Shift q :Exit
Mod4 Shift r :Reconfigure
Mod4 Shift s :Restart
#Control Mod1 Delete :Exit
Mod4 Shift Delete :Exec xterm -e sudo shutdown -h now
Mod4 Shift Escape :Exec xterm -e sudo reboot
Mod4 Shift d :ShowDesktop
#cpuscaling on performance
Mod4 Shift p :Exec xterm -e sudo cpufreq-set -g performance
Mod4 Shift o :Exec xterm -e sudo cpufreq-set -g ondemand
Mod4 Shift y :Exec xterm -e sudo cpufreq-set -g conservative
#hal polling
Mod4 Shift h :Exec xterm -e sudo hal-disable-polling --device /dev/scd0
Mod4 Shift e :Exec xterm -e sudo hal-disable-polling --enable-polling
--device /dev/scd
#Suggestion: Disable the unused bluetooth interface with the following
#Mod4 Shift b :Exec xterm -e sudo hciconfig hci0 down
#Bluetooth is a radio and consumes quite some power, and keeps USB busy
as well.
# change to a specific workspace
Mod4 1 :Workspace 1
Mod4 2 :Workspace 2
Mod4 3 :Workspace 3
Mod4 4 :Workspace 4
Mod4 5 :Workspace 5
Mod4 6 :Workspace 6
Mod4 7 :Workspace 7
Mod4 8 :Workspace 8
Mod4 9 :Workspace 9
Mod4 10 :Workspace 10
Mod4 11 :Workspace 11
Mod4 12 :Workspace 12
# send the current window to a specific workspace
Mod4 Shift 1 :SendToWorkspace 1
Mod4 Shift 2 :SendToWorkspace 2
Mod4 Shift 3 :SendToWorkspace 3
Mod4 Shift 4 :SendToWorkspace 4
Mod4 Shift 5 :SendToWorkspace 5
Mod4 Shift 6 :SendToWorkspace 6
Mod4 Shift 7 :SendToWorkspace 7
Mod4 Shift 8 :SendToWorkspace 8
Mod4 Shift 9 :SendToWorkspace 9
Mod4 Shift 10 :SendToWorkspace 10
Mod4 Shift 11 :SendToWorkspace 11
Mod4 Shift 12 :SendToWorkspace 12
# send the current window and change to a specific workspace
#Control Mod4 F1 :TakeToWorkspace 1
#Control Mod4 F2 :TakeToWorkspace 2
#Control Mod4 F3 :TakeToWorkspace 3
#Control Mod4 F4 :TakeToWorkspace 4
#Control Mod4 F5 :TakeToWorkspace 5
#Control Mod4 F6 :TakeToWorkspace 6
#Control Mod4 F7 :TakeToWorkspace 7
#Control Mod4 F8 :TakeToWorkspace 8
#Control Mod4 F9 :TakeToWorkspace 9
#Control Mod4 F10 :TakeToWorkspace 10
#Control Mod4 F11 :TakeToWorkspace 11
#Control Mod4 F12 :TakeToWorkspace 12
Control Mod4 1 :TakeToWorkspace 1
Control Mod4 2 :TakeToWorkspace 2
Control Mod4 3 :TakeToWorkspace 3
Control Mod4 4 :TakeToWorkspace 4
Control Mod4 5 :TakeToWorkspace 5
Control Mod4 6 :TakeToWorkspace 6
Control Mod4 7 :TakeToWorkspace 7
Control Mod4 8 :TakeToWorkspace 8
Control Mod4 9 :TakeToWorkspace 9
Control Mod4 10 :TakeToWorkspace 10
Control Mod4 11 :TakeToWorkspace 11
Control Mod4 12 :TakeToWorkspace 12
#start system applications
#Mod4 p :Exec 0dmenu
Mod4 p :ExecCommand `dmenu_path | dmenu` && eval “exec $exe”
Mod1 t :Exec thunar
#Mod1 s :Exec konsole
#start audio apps
Mod4 q :Exec qjackctl
Mod4 a :Exec ardour2
Mod4 h :Exec hydrogen
Mod4 c :Exec patchage
#Mod4 m :Exec 0a2jmidid
Mod4 m :ExecCommand a2jmidid -e
#Mod4 u :Exec thun
#start desktop apps
Mod4 k :Exec konversation
Mod4 t :Exec icedove
Mod4 f :ExecCommand java -jar ~/Fantasia-0.9.jar
Mod4 i :Exec iceweasel
Mod4 w :Exec kwrite
Mod4 d :Exec dolphin
Mod4 n :Exec wicd-client
Mod4 l :Exec xterm +sm -hold -e linuxsampler
Mod4 Shift u :ExecCommand killall jackd
#open terminal + commands
Mod4 Shift w :Exec xterm -hold -e wmctrl -l &
Mod4 Mod1 j :Exec xterm +sm -hold -e jackd -d firewire
Mod4 Mod1 k :Exec xterm +sm -hold -e jackd -d firewire -p 128
Mod4 Mod1 l :Exec xterm +sm -hold -e jackd -d firewire -p 64
Mod4 Control k :ExecCommand killall jackd
I have a DI box which has an XLR balanced output. I want to connect it
to my cheapo sound card (SBLive) through the (stereo) line in. Is this
possible? What would be the best way? Would a mono jack:XLR converter
be OK?
2010/11/18 Florian Faber <faber(a)>
> Thomas,
> > Im not very into this stuff, but you can certainly hear the difference.
> This is, with all due respect, bullshit. On the technical side, there is
> no difference, just a waste of bandwidth.
> Of course a higher SR gives better sound. Wich you can easily hear if you
use your ears. There is a reason to use 44.1k and not 8k on CD for ex. And
there is a reason for listening to LPs instead of CDs
> If you eq in 44.1k you get that early nineties techno high end.
> If you hear differences, your filters and/or converters are broken.
Maybe the plugins I use are crappy. But nevertheless if you raise a level in
a digital eq it makes good sense that it distorts because you move the
points away from each other and thus making the wave more of a square?
> Flo
> --
> Machines can do the work, so people have time to think.
> public key DA43FEF4 x-hkp://
Y-ellow All.
OK. need some help here. I regret to say that I'm not getting much
mileage out of AVlinux. I haven't felt quite like throwing a computer out
the window, since Turtle Beach first started making sound cards. Well, OK,
It's not quite that bad but it's certainly reminiscent. Ah them were the
days... However I think my days of experiments in computer aerodynamics are
behind me. :) I hope.
I'm not even quite sure what questions to ask at this point. There is so
much not working properly. It all seems quite hopeless. So ultimately; I
need to know if I am wasting my time or should I persist? Should I move on
and try a different distro? Though I actually like the distro it self.
The test bed is fairly simple...
2.8 gig P4
1 gig RAM
Hoontech DSP124 (Envy24) sound card.
Evolution MK249 USB keyboard.
The final system will be different to this but this will have to do as a
proof of concept. All of which appears to work in and of it self.
For the most part, software will either connect to MIDI or Audio but not
both. All except for that little drum machine thing. Hydrogen? I get sound
and MIDI but it Xruns and crashes regularly. I'm not so much worried about
the Xruns at this point. There are bigger issues. Linux sampler only works
as a Zynjacku plug in. Except that Zynjacku's MIDI comes up in the MIDI tab
of JACK. Everything else comes in under the ALSA tab. Which means there's
no way to connect to it. Or no obvious way.
Yoshimi looked really interesting. It looks as though you can use samples
as oscillators which could be what I'm after. Except that as above, I can't
connect MIDI into it. And even when using the little keyboard
applet/window, it crashes a lot. Usually it takes JACK out as well. To the
point of requiring a reboot. Because the frozen windows lock themselves and
I can't kill them. And JACK won't connect anything after that. I guess I
could find the process and kill it. I can't see that being very helpful up
on stage in front of an audience though. And the last time it crashed, it
seems to have crashed permanently. Yoshimi will load and lock it self and
that's all.
Perhaps the recording apps work well. I don't know. I'm not set up to test
that. And this is not my current focus.
So anyway, if any of this sound familiar and is easily fixed then I'd be
over the moon to hear about it. Or alternatively, should I move on to try
another distro?
Thanks in advance.
Be absolutely icebox.
_ __ _
| "_ \ | | batzman-lau(a)
| |_)/ __ _| |_ ____ _-_|\
| _ \ / _` | __|___ | / \
| |_) | (_| | |_ / / \_.-*_/
|_,__/ \__,_|\__|/ / v
/ ,__
Goodfortune |_____|
For the moment I consider this track finished. Well, finished as in that
it sounds much like I want it to. When Qtractor 0.4.7 came out I decided
I had to let myself go concerning effects, especially now they can be
MIDI controlled which is just great. I set up a special FX automation
MIDI track and off I went.
The female vocals were done by my girlfriend. Just a few takes and she
was greatly unsatisfied but with some effects and some cutting up it
turned out quite ok.
Huge shout out to Will J Godfrey (aka Folderol) for his amazing
instrument bank, I used Warm Synth, Sharp Synth, Pizzicato Strings and
the great Wind and Surf for the swooossssshhh. Also big props for Cal
for the ever improving Yoshimi. And Rui of course. Qtractor just rocks.
Lastly, the FFADO folks. I'm now looking at my shiny and new Focusrite
Saffire Pro 40 that has been running happily for hours now at 4ms with
about 20+ tracks and about the same amount of effects. Yeah, I
encountered some occasional xruns, but basically that only happens when
I open stuff like LV2 gui's or change hefty instrument patches with
Yoshimi (which will be a thing of the past once the sqlite3
implementation for the banks has been perfectioned).
I'll see if I can do a screencast of this track. Nothing is cooler than
seeing those slick Calf plugins do their stuff automatically :)……
And yes, I've learned so much in the making of this track. I've never
worked with compressors, gates, filters and eq's before and this track
was like a playground in which I could all test it out.
On 2010-12-07 23:07, Bob van der Poel wrote:
> Don't know about your side of the pond ... but Sweetwater has these
> for US$149. Don't think you'll do much better for a quality product.
I know, but she's not really into quality A/D-converts and stuff, she
merely looks at the price tag :-(