Hey everyone!
Remember the times when the latest project "droning" tune was still twenty
forty something?
Well, those times are over. Introducing a new batch, droning249-droning257.
Download here: http://www.disc-shelf.com/droning/
Always not sure whether I want to force my interpretation on the listeners,
but I'll give the descriptions anyway.
droning249 - *mesmerizing tune with a feeling of freshness*
droning250 - *quiet dark vibes, cave-like*
droning251 - *ambience of the cold outside*
droning252 - *this is an interesting mix of mystery, thoughtfulness and
droning253 - *a piece dedicated to mountain tourists, capturing the beauty
and quiet danger of winter nature*
droning254 - *remember blood moon photos recently? this is it*
droning255 - *a very epic tune; I am very interested what people associate
this with, what kinds of images and feelings*
droning256 - *one of those tunes that to me seem like clearly a "place
tune", meaning it depicts some strange atmospheric place*
droning257 -
*huge spaces, small objects*
*Support project "droning"*
There are two major ways to support the project.
1. Spread the word. This is biggest help, since in our world of diversity
and enormous amounts of media, getting heard is not easy. Many even very
good projects go unnoticed.
2. Buy something at my Bandcamp. You can get flac versions of dronings
there, I am constantly adding releases.
Thank you!
Louigi Verona
Hi all,
since the combination of Tracktion 6 and Carla as a VST plug-in works
reasonably stable, I started to record and mix more and more on Linux
(Arch) but I'm still not very familiar with the choice of good plug-ins
available and how to get the best of them.
So, let's start with reverbs: which reverb plugins do you use? Which are
your favourites? In which situation? Do you have any good settings or
presets to share? I can use almost any format, i.e. LADSPA, LV2, Linux
VST, Windows VST 64bit, although I prefer LV2 and Linux VSTs and at
least a basic GUI, since I like it when parameters are labelled properly
and have "real" values, not only 0.0 .. 1.0 ;)
Tracktion has a very flexible routing system, were you can make every
track an aux bus by inserting an aux send plug-in after the source track
and an aux return plug-in before the effect plugin on the aux track.
This makes it very easy to pre- or post-process the reverb signal with
other plug-ins (e.g. EQ or compressor), so to my purpose it doesn't
matter if a reverb pug-in doesn't offer many parameters (e.g. built-in
EQ etc.) as long as it sounds good.
Looking forward to your opinions and ideas!
Hi there!
This is a somewhat special question which has not so much to do with
linux-audio stuff - but as there are quite a few people here dealing
with electrics / electronics and some of them even earn their money as
event technicians you might get in touch with special measurement
equipment like a VDE 0701/0702-tester.
As you might know, most manufacturers of those devices offer software
to ease the administration of your testing pool, but most of them still
life in the 90s and make them windows only.
So here I am, asking you if you are using or knowing a VDE 0701/0702
-testing device manufacturer that is modern enough to master the (not
so secret) secrets of cross-platform software engineering or opened
their devices and protocols in that way, that I can easily access them
with linux / open source tools.
I have hesitated for weeks to post here with such a basic and possibly
stupid problem, but I am at my wits end with this.
I run Ubuntu 12.04 on a desktop computer and also on a small notebook.
Sound is fine on both of them, and I can play midi files through
tiMidity with no problem.
I want to use a midi-capable electric piano as an input device, and I
reckoned the first thing to do was to get some suitable software and
make sure I could play a midi file from a midi editor.
I have QjackCtl, Qtractor (I also have Muse) and Qsynth installed. I
have spent weeks, on and off, trying to solve the basic problem of
getting some sound from Qtractor (or Muse), but although both the editor
and QjackCtl show that an imported midi file is actually being played, I
get no sound whatsoever. This is true for both computers, even though
their hardware is pretty different. As I said earlier, the sound on
both computers is fine in other contexts, so it is almost certainly some
fundamental error on my part, but I have no idea what is wrong. I have
tried all sorts of different sets of connections in QjackCtl, but never
heard a note yet!
Having read various posts in the forum archive, I tried running
jack-metro. QjackCtl shows that the metronome is running, but
connecting the metronome to the system outputs produces no sound, so the
problem seems to be at this level.
If anyone feels they have the patience to try to point me in the right
direction, I shall be very grateful indeed.
This one is a laid back journey of some 10 minutes, developing slowly
and fading away, whitewash against the shore. This is a one time
recording as I do not expect re-working this one, apart from this
mixdown here. It simply happened, during a few hours last year.
Listening to it at this time of the year for mixing it down does have
an autumnal feeling. The theme kind of longs warmly for things summer
past. Enjoy.
Recorded using Ardour 3. Plugins are Calf 5-band EQ and Reverb.
Master bus uses Robin Gareus' 4-band parametric EQ and Steve Harris'
Fast Lookahead Limiter.
The Sonatina free sample library provides cymbals, concert harp, and
solo violin. Cymbals were triggered using an Alesis Control Pad and
regular drum sticks.
On the instrument front, the accoustic guitar is a Shiraki 6
strings. Whereas the previous piece c2015-15 did not have any bass
instrument, here there are two. Soloing bass is a Tanglewood
accoustic bass guitar, pulsating bass is made of both M-Audio pro88
accoustic bass and Korg Microstation 'bad boy', which also provides
some 'Night Electric Piano'. The Korg Wavedrum playing provides tabla
variations and kick/snare, played by hand and fed through a
passive direct box, with a bit of Steve Harris' Multiband EQ applied
to the tablas, and Calf Limiter, 5-band EQ and Reverb to the
kick/snare. Pads are standard warmpads from M-Audio pro88. Intro bird
noise is provided by the free Reaktor5 Space Drone.
i want to connect 2 computers (Linux Mint + KXStudio) and use the
JackTransport on one (the master) to guide the other (the slave)
- On the master i have jack2 running and Claudia.
i run in terminal: jack_netsource -H <-- = address of master
The reply = Not Connected and i see in Claudia a small window appear called
"NetJack". It has 2 inputs, 2 outputs and a midi in and out. And, yes, they
are not connected to anything.
- On the slave i have jack2 running and Claudia.
i run in terminal: jack_netsource -s <-- = address of slave
This is the output:
menno@huiskamer:~$ jack_netsource -s
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server request channel
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server request channel
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server request channel
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server request channel
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server request channel
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping
jack_client_open() failed, status = 0x11
Is the JACK server running ?
Is this the way to go to connect computers?
View this message in context: http://linux-audio.4202.n7.nabble.com/how-to-connect-computers-with-Netone-…
Sent from the linux-audio-user mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Here's one I made recently as a very first attempt in trying to mix
down all tracks in a cohesive manner. All comments welcomed, technical
and even on the tune itself !
After a few refactorings its finally here. Super-threaded audio tree computing
for GSequencer v0.6.8
The config file located in $(HOME)/.gsequencer/ags.conf should look
like following: