Anybody know of a low-cost (used is fine) 2-in, 2-out USB audio interface that works great with Linux? I don't really need mic or instrument inputs...I need line inputs/outputs.
Bonus points for:
Bus powered interfaces
Box-shaped units with all I/O on the same panel (USB connection on the opposite panel is fine)
Today i wrote a very little piece for solo Harp, in 6/8 with MuseScore
2. It's tiny and sweet, i hop you will like it:
Happy listening,
- Ben
Hi folks,
I am putting together my music making tools as you know.
One such tool may be a Yamaha keyboard, with the representative at the
store I am visiting sharing that they feel sure the USB drivers for midi
in Yamaha do not support Linux?
can anyone confirm?
Is it command line only?
I may have found a lug here in Toronto. or actually I have found one, but
am only now starting to ask for help.
someone mentioned this, and I have never heard of sonar in Linux.
Do people mind giving me again the strictly console / command line composing
programs again so i can be sure they know what I want to use?
There is lillypond, and Joel's program and Peters, with me not remembering
their names....only that their descriptions look amazing!
So I want to share what I already now will work via command line exclusively.
Season greetings y'all,
As cheesy as it might go, as a must already,
Qtractor 0.7.2 (tacky gluon beta) is out!
Quite frankly, there's nothing really stopping you from an upgrade or
rather update to taste! :)
Qtractor [1] is an audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application
written in C++ with the Qt framework [2]. Target platform is Linux,
where the Jack Audio Connection Kit (JACK [3]) for audio and the
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA [4]) for MIDI are the main
infrastructures to evolve as a fairly-featured Linux desktop audio
workstation GUI, specially dedicated to the personal home-studio.
Major highlights for this dot release are:
* MIDI Track/Instrument bank/programs menu (NEW)
* VST plug-ins preset/bank (FXP/FXB) files support (NEW)
* Duplicate track menu command (NEW)
* XRUN status bar indicator (NEW)
And, of course, Qtractor [1] is now built to Qt5 [2] as per configure
Hope you enjoy.
Project page:
- source tarball:
- source package (openSUSE 13.2):
- binary packages (openSUSE 13.2):
- wiki (help wanted!):
Weblog (upstream support):
Qtractor [1] is free, open-source Linux Audio [5] software,
distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL [6])
version 2 or later.
- Yet another audio/MIDI time drift correction fix, now giving it some
slack while turnaround looping on tempo changes.
- Prevent x11extras module from use on non-X11/Unix platforms.
- MIDI Track/Instrument cascading pop-up menus have been added, to main
and MIDI clip editor windows.
- VST Plugin preset/bank files support (FXB/FXP) is now being integrated
to the generic Plugin/Properties widget dialog.
- Added new Track/Duplicate menu command.
- Added simple XRUN red indicator to status bar.
- Make sure program change/presets are not selected on possibly
multi-timbral instrument plugins when inserted on a MIDI bus.
- Prefer Qt5 over Qt4 by default with configure script.
- Fixed a potential crash-bug on first enabling either once the audio or
MIDI metronomes.
[1] Qtractor - An audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer
[2] Qt framework, C++ class library and tools for
cross-platform application and UI development
[3] JACK Audio Connection Kit
[4] ALSA, Advanced Linux Sound Architecture
[5] Linux Audio consortium of libre software for audio-related work
[6] GPL - GNU General Public License
[7] Qtractor Git repository on github.com
[8] Qtractor Git repository on sourceforge.net
See also:
Hope you enjoy && have fun.
rncbc aka. Rui Nuno Capela
Hi Jeremy
Thanks for the support.
Regarding your problem (if I understand it correctly), there is already a fix for this - although it took me ages to find it!
...In fact, one of my tasks in that list is to move this out of a config file, and into the options dialog.
- Open the ".seq24rc" file in your home folder, and go to the [manual-alsa-ports] section (line 184)
- Swap the "0" under that entry for a "1", save and close it
- start up seq24.
Now seq24 should have MIDI connections! Sixteen outputs, found under the "ALSA" tab in QJackQtl. These can be ported to Jack MIDI via the a2jmidid tool :)
Hope this helps.
---- On Wed, 09 Dec 2015 21:13:31 +0000 Jeremy Davis<jeremyhwllc(a)> wrote ----
> Oliver,
> Hey, I use Seq24 on Linux and I would like to mention there is one thing that would make a huge difference. Seq24 does not indentify itself very well when when trying to route inputs and outputs via Patchage or other similar GUIs like Catia. I know it can be done because other programs like Ardour get it right. Everytime I use Seq24 I have tobplay around for a while guessing how to connect plugins etc..
> To see what I mean, on a Linux OS you could open Patchage, Ardour, Seq24, and a synth such as amSynth. Ardour obviously identifies itself and each line in or out is well identified. However, the name "Seq24" is nowhere to be found. I think it says "throughput-0" or something not obvious or intuitive.
> Good luck with your project!
> Jeremy Davis
> On Wednesday, December 9, 2015, oli_kester <oli_kester(a)> wrote:
> Hi Seq24 users,
> For my final year university project, I am taking on an overhaul of seq24. Below is an excerpt from my project proposal - the list of features I would like to implement -
> [quote]
> << Basic (simple changes that should be quick to address) >>
> - Swap default on midi autoconnect to second value (add to config file)
> - Song / loop mode switch in main UI
> - Recent files list
> - Move config file to .config folder in /home
> - Label keys correctly on loops past bank 1
> << Medium (bug fixes, smaller new features) >>
> - Don't take scene change inputs when renaming loops
> - With dual screens, remember window placement
> - Darken Song mode (overall dark theme like Ardour?)
> - Fix glitch with overlaps in loops
> - Session manager fixes
> - Toggle loops in song mode
> - Click time bar to position transport
> - Draw and re-position snap in song mode should behave identically
> - Add one shot loops
> - Decrease size of grid in song mode
> - Add name of scene to the side when in song view
> - Add autosave function
> - Midi send if halfway through note (can be enabled / disabled in preferences)
> - Draw whole notes instead of cutting off early in song mode loops
> - Add configurable defaults for note length/ grid snap
> - Add note stop/panic button
> - Loop colouring
> - Fix bug where certain slots cannot contain loops
> << Challenging (significant new features) >>
> - Add Box select in song editor (REAPER style)
> - Add redo in song mode
> - Add Record in song mode
> - Allow splitting of song loops at mouse pointer
> - Zoom in song mode
> - Window title should just have the song name
> - Fix jack sync bug/reset button
> - Relative velocity altering (REAPER style)
> - Add a double / half timing switch for live performance
> Where I note “REAPER style”, I plan to source inspiration from the REAPER audio workstation I use under Windows ( The “Ardour” I mention is a Linux audio workstation, and probably the most significant audio project on Linux (
> [end quote]
> What do you all think? It'll also be great to have a few people test it during development.
> This project will also be open source, and remain faithful to the ideals of the original project.
> If you have any feedback on my list of changes or any other suggestions, please do get in touch!
> Best,
> Oliver
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> seq24-users mailing list
> seq24-users(a)
> --
> Jeremy Davis
> @jeremydavis0_0
Hi Guys,
recently I decided to update the PC in my guitar setup. The Rack
consists of a Line6 POD HD desktop, PC, M-Audio Mobile Pre,
Korg NanoFader and Behringer BCR2000. All in one dj case, fixed, wired
and ready to go..... That means if you have the muscles to lag
around those 25-30 Kgs. So something has to be removed!!
I decided to check out the mod software+Guitarix lv2s and ended up using
carla instead of mod-ui, since I need midi cc.
I did a one on nearly one comparison with Guitarix and the Line6 POD HD.
The POD is great, I had done a comparison with it and Guitar Rig from
NI, and it prevailed. But Guitarix ? On my PA ? Man, that beats the POD
HD in every imaginable way. You guys nailed it!
Ever since I once had a Marshall JCM800, Hughes&Kettner Attax100 and
access to a Fender Bassman I had wanted those sounds desperately again,
but without the actual cabs. The POD got the Bassman somewhat right. But
Guitarix sounds MUCH better. I also tested GxAmplifier-X with a 6DJ8 on
the pre, a 6V6 Master tube, Fender tone stack and a 4x12 Cab. Not
precisly a Bassman. The sound is somewhere between the Bassman and a
Mesa Boogie we have in the rehearsal room. Fantastic!!
And the GxJCM800-pre+GxCabinet lv2s sound exactly like the original. The
POD never managed to sound like that, when I tuned in its jcm800 ampsim.
Thank you.
The Line6 is good, but it's time to say bye to it, and welcome the MOD
Duo. Hehe from POD to MOD. And I'll make a donation to the Guitarix Team
once the POD is sold and the MOD ordered.
Why did it take me so long to realize the quality of Guitarix? I guess
it has to do with the GUIs. Now the GUIs really explain well which the
most important parameters are. Yes, Eye-Candy counts! (dont take this as
Since I have the suspicion that the MOD Team has had a big influence on
this (am I right?), a big emphatic Thank you to
them too (to falktx anyway for his patience with my dumb questions on
irc). Did I say I'm ordering the Mod duo primarily for its support of
Guitarix? No? Well: I'm ordering the Mod duo primarily for its support
of Guitarix!!!
If yes I'll say it again: I'm ... ok I'll spare you that.
Gerald / JimsonDrift
Hi, Happy Listers!
My new song "Carrier Phone <>" is fresh out,
live now at and even buyable at :)
It's been a wild ride. Working with QMidiArp (LV2 plugin version) can
get a bit hard on the nerves ;) there is definitely /something/ inside.
On the news front
* There is only *11 tracks*, of witch 3 are just for drums ;
* My old AKG d125 mic (listed as "vintage" on the internets!) has
replaced the "Studio Project B1" Chinese Neumann copy that I've used
a lot last year, and that I can't even hear anymore (hiss!) Stay
away from those ;
* The drums are /actually played/ on my Toy MIDI DrumKit
but yeah, heavily MIDI-edited afterward ;
* The big (250Mg) Fluid GM2 soundfont that is available all through
debian sound really good, if you don't use it yet, try it ;
* I used a new toy: VEX <>
a 3 oscillator "subtractive waveROM synth" that is very stable and
exposes everything to automation ;
* There is a "remix" of that song coming soon. Well, a litteral fork
of the session ;
* QTractor is getting better and better. This new "direct access"
mixer strip feature allows for a more natural workflow, the name of
the game being "never open a plugin GUI" :)
It is mixed down through Jamin, with the basic default preset. I'm not
/entirely/ satisfied with the mix/master, I think it lacks the oomph of
my last song "Off the Grid <>". I hate that
accidental part of the mixing process, and the heterogeneous feel it
gives to the album. Otoh, certain cult albums of mine do sound like many
sessions put together: XTC's "Skylarking", Magazine's "Secondhand
daylight" or Alain Bashung's "Play Blessures"... Oh well.
As always, thanks a lot for your critical listening :)
On 07/12/2015 21:39, F. Silvain wrote:
> Yassin Philip, Dec 7 2015:
>> Hi, Happy Listers!
>> My new song "Carrier Phone <>" is fresh
>> out, live now at and even buyable at
>> :)
> Hey hey Philip,
> nice song again! Interesting mix in impressions. That old school disco
> reminiscence and modern dance music. Only the vocals sound slightly
> off, not in key, but in production. A little hollow somehow. Vocals
> always seemed to be the most difficult part in my own experiments
> though and normally your vocal production sounds good to me. Thanks
> for sharing! Please keep up the frequency of your output.
Hey Silvain, thanks a lot! I will try to keep up, yes :) Your analysis
is strikingly accurate :) Maybe this mix will suit you better:
> ...
> Ta-ta
> ----
> Ffanci
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