> From: Michael Jarosch <riotsound(a)riotmusic.de>
> Hi there!
> ShowQ is a unique cue-player for Linux-Audio-Users. I use it as a core
> application for my theater activities.
> Even in the linux-community it's not a very well known application,
> although there's no other linux-program (I know) if you need a
> one-shot-audio-player with features like f.e. programmable fade-in,
> fade-out, no matter if you want it time-based or triggered by space (or
> another key).
> It can do a lot more - ShowQ has MIDI-support. Although I never tested
> this feature, it should be possible to control any application with
> MIDI-support. QLC(+) f.e. - or maybe some video-players do support MIDI
> - I don't know...
> Yeah, of course, ShowQ is not a drop in replacement for QLAB, but
> speaking about audio it fits quiet perfectly in my setup.
> ShowQ is in the Debian (and Ubuntu?) repositories, it's written in C++
> and of course released under the terms of the GPL. Although this app is
> quiet useful for technicians like me, the development stopped years ago.
> I am not a coder, but I do my best to keep this project alive. On the
> Debian bug-tracker I write bug-reports for ShowQ, hoping that on one
> hand it's useful for other users to work around problems, on the other
> hand that someone fixes them.
> Last time I reported a bug Jarom?r Mike? the Debian-maintainer of ShowQ
> wrote that he is not able to fix the bugs and he would like to kick
> ShowQ. Of course, he also would like to package an alternative if there
> would be some he could package.
> I don't know any - so my linux-based theater setup is about to be killed
> one day when ShowQ wouldn't compile on my debian machine, anymore.
> So, what do I want from you?
> Test ShowQ! Maybe it's the app you've been missing for a long time!
> And if you're a coder with C++-skills, check out my bugreports on
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?repeatmerged=no&src=showq
> - maybe you've got the clue...
> OR: Got an alternative to ShowQ? You're welcome!
> Greets!
> Mitsch
Great to see I'm not the only ShowQ user in the world. I somehow
installed (maybe even built) it on my Arch Linux netbook about 4 years
ago and I've used it at least one week a year without issues or
updates ever since. I even hand-edited the .geany GUI file to add some
keyboard shortcuts to the menu items.
I did all the things I should have done the first time :)
mcpdisp (0.0.2)
* Added fflush so we don't use repeating prinfs to flush
* Added command to park cursor in lower right corner
* Hide cursor!
* Set application to start in the lower right screen corner
* Control C now exits gracefully
* Added changelog
* Window close (X) closes jack port properly
mcpdisp (0.0.1)
* Initial release
No, control Q or W do not quit. I have set up no keyboard input at all and
won't in this state.
- Rewrite with a GUI tool kit instead of using a terminal.
- Allow stretching the window to match channels to control surface.
- Use nicer colours.
Len Ovens
I'm Andrés, and I'm very pleased to send my first email to the LAU list.
I don't know why I was not part of it before, but after the great
LAC2015 I needed it.
As some of you might remember, I had the pleasure to perform at the
Linux Sound Night (it was also my first ever live performance), under
the name of Vagabundo Barbudo. I have just edited a video about it
(thanks Rui and Javi!), which you can see here:
The music is 100% made with free software. For production I use
QTractor, Hydrogen, Ardour, usually the Calf plugins and a little bit of
SuperCollider. If you are interested, you can find all the music in
www.vagabundobarbudo.com, as well as in soundcloud.com/vagabundobarbudo.
All audiovisual material is released under cc-by-sa.
The automatic lighting is provided by RTML, a small program I'm
developing for SuperCollider. It takes audio inputs, analyses the audio
in real-time according to low- and mid-level musical features, and
outputs OSC messages, from which I control the stage fixtures with
another small script. The code can be found at
github.com/andresperezlopez/RTML, although it has still some small
issues. I expect to document and finish it soon - I will announce it
here anyway. Please feel free to use it for whatever you want.
Andrés Pérez López
I'm having problems with Pure Data and JACK and I was wondering if anyone
else has seen this behavior.
I can have any number of JACK applications happily running and routing
audio back and forth, when I start PD I often (but not always) get a
crackly distortion. This distortion is present is on any JACK client,
before PD has even loaded a patch or is actually processing audio. Closing
PD does not solve the problem,. I need to close every JACK client, close
jackd, and restart the server.
I see a bunch of these messages from jackd when PD is started:
JackPosixSemaphore::TimedWait err = Connection timed out
JackFreewheelDriver::ProcessSync SuspendRefNum error
JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphSync: ProcessWriteSlaves error, engine may now
behave abnormally!!
jackd is started(by way of qjackctl) with the incantation:
/usr/bin/jackd -S -dalsa -r44100 -p64 -n2 -D -Chw:M1010LT -Phw:M1010LT -I30
this is jackdmp(JACK2) on Fedora 20 with the PlanetCCRMA kernel.
the sound card is an M Audio 1010LT that has been rock solid on several
distributions and kernels for about a decade now.
not sure if it matters, but a2jmidid is always running, it is started by
qjackctl running the command:
a2jmidid -e &
I am running pd-extended from the planetccrma repo, version
any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Apologies for tardy response - handling aftermath of a hard drive failure. :-\
On 14 May 2015 at 21:37, Michael Jarosch <riotsound(a)riotmusic.de> wrote:
> Looks great! I haven't done much video in my projects, yet, and -
> speaking about (jack-)audio - I don't know if Praxis LIVE would fill the
> gap,
Praxis LIVE's audio pipeline has JACK support through JNAJack (which
was originally written for it). There are a couple of things to bear
in mind though -
1. Praxis LIVE is Java-based which *may* have an impact on latency (see 2)
2. It's not currently possible to play the audio from a video track.
This is somewhat complicated by Praxis LIVE's distributed
architecture, and the fact that audio and video may be in different
processes or even running on different machines. Incidentally, one
use for running audio in a separate process is reducing
garbage-collection effects and improving latency.
> By the way: Does Praxis LIVE feature projection mapping? It's just
> because you mentioned Isadora...
Not like Isadora v2 does. However, the recently released Praxis LIVE
v2 does have full access to the 3D capabilities of the underlying
Processing renderer. Coupled with the new custom code infrastructure
and the ability to (re)write components on-the-fly this gives lots of
possibilities for projection mapping and 3D transforms.
There's a simple 3D quad transform component in the custom component
repository already - https://github.com/praxis-live/pxg Expect to see
more in the near future.
There's a blog post on turning a Processing sketch into a Praxis LIVE
component (here rendering a video onto a cylinder) -
Also coming soon is wrapping Processing's OBJ file loader.
Bringing this vaguely back on-topic for this list - one of the reasons
I haven't announced Praxis LIVE v2 here yet is I'm still finalising
live code rewriting for audio components.
Best wishes,
Neil C Smith
Artist : Technologist : Adviser
Praxis LIVE - hybrid visual IDE for live creative coding - www.praxislive.org
Digital Prisoners - interactive spaces and projections -
The package is still called "ardour3" but says the latest version is
"4.0-dfsg-1". What's up with that? Shouldn't it be ardour4????
David W. Jones
authenticity, honesty, community
Hey hey everyone,
sorry for cross posting. I released a set of three Csound User Defined Opcodes
today. A pitch correction (autotune style), a channel vocoder (using an
FFT-based technique) and a free pitching module, that pitches a voice -
whichever pitch it has - to the MIDI notes received.
All opcodes tested with Csound version 6.05, but should work on version 6.0.
I've tested them live on a 3 gHz CPU running a Linux commandline. With a
hardware sample buffer (-B option) of ifftsize they work in realtime.
Any feedback and improvements are welcome! Thank you.
* Homepage: https://freeshell.de/~silvain
* Twitter: http://twitter.com/ffanci_silvain
* GitHub: https://github.com/fsilvain
Hi Guys, I've got a double announcement to make:
First one: We've got a new Song, Sailing Sister. Check it out:
www.jimson-drift.de under Songs. If your in the Rhein-Neckar area in
June, we've
got an upcomming gig on June the 18th at the Kulturfenster in Heidelberg
Second one: GuitarSynth is now an lv2 plugin. Yep, it's true, thanks to
falktx's DPF.
You can get it at https://github.com/geraldmwangi/GuitarSynth-DPF. Have
fun testing it and give me your thoughts.
Cheers Gerald