I have a laptop running debian 10. Sometimes it gets confused with a mini-jack in headphones and mutes audio. It seems to be something automatic that goes wrong, since 1) pulling the mini-jack makes the sound come out of the speakers just fine (putting it back in mutes audio again etc)and 2) a reboot fixes it.
I tried writing a script that un-mutes everything I can see and turns it up, but to no avail:
amixer set 'Master' 100% unmute
amixer sset -c 0 'Master' 100% unmute
amixer sset -c 0 'Headphone' 100% unmute
amixer set -c 0 'Speaker' 100% unmute
amixer set -c 0 'PCM' 100%
I'd like to know what's causing this and most importantly: any solution or work-around would be great!
I know it's a long shot, but maybe someone can recognize this and point me in a more constructive direction?
http://latestyoutube.a773.dk | http://a773.dk
On Mon, 9 Dec 2019 15:34:02 -1000
Joel Roth <joelz(a)pobox.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Do you have pulseaudio installed? If so removing it might help.
Yeah, I have pulse audio installed, might simply remove it and see how that goes. Thanks!
http://latestyoutube.a773.dk | http://a773.dk
Hi Christoph,:
> ... And I thought if I don’t run the rt-kernel,
> I have to uncheck the realtime-setting in qjackctl, which may
> be a misconception (?).
It is. The standard kernel runs RT threads quite well. I've been
using it on at least 20 Arch machines all doing audio work, and
some of them quite heavy stuff with dozens of Jack clients and
64 channels in and out. No problems at all.
Many of the original RT patches have been incorporated in the
standard kernel for years now.
You may need the RT kernel if you use very short audio periods,
some people go as low as 16 frames.
Hi Christoph,
Some extra info:
In case your system does allow real-time, it could be
that the maximum priority is set too low.
Zita-ajbridge will run the thread talking to the ALSA
device with a priority that is 10 higher than Jack's
callback threads. So if your jack is configured for
e.g. 80, and the system limit is 85, zita-ajbridge
will fail.
Hi Christoph,
> I mean that in the verbose output above there’s nothing mentioned after
> the entry "capture". but in the output you pasted below it’s the same,
> so this obviously is the normal behaviour.
It is. The following lines imply that it is enabled :-)
> > Is there any output after the lines you quoted, like
> >
> > fons@zita1:~> zita-a2j -d hw:1,0 -v
> > playback : not enabled
> > capture :
> > nchan : 2
> > fsamp : 48000
> > fsize : 256
> > nfrag : 2
> > format : S32_LE
> > Starting synchronisation.
> > -0.151 1.000057 0
> > -0.007 1.000034 326
> > -0.053 1.000046 327
> > -0.114 1.000094 327
> > 0.128 1.000019 328
> >
> > etc. ?
> no, on both my computers there’s nothing printed after "Starting
> synchronization".
I suspect your system isn't configured to allow normal users running
real-time threads. Zita-ajbridge will fail (silently, and yes that
*is* a bug) if that is the case.
The way to enable real-time for normal (non-root) users has changed
on Archlinux some time ago, it now involves the realtime package
(see the archwiki for details).
I'm on Arch too but I'm still using the 'old' method without the
realtime package. This just involves putting some lines in
@audio - rtprio 95
@audio - memlock unlimited
and making sure you are in the 'audio' group.
If you do this you need to re-login after making the changes.
AFAIK the realtime package is doing the same, but using a
different group.
dear list members,
I have a question on using zita-bridge with jack2, obviously I'm
missing some detail (?).
I'm trying to get two usb soundcards working as inputs for recording.
as usual, I start jackd via qjackctl with one of them, say, the
soundcraft notepad12fx as hw-device (with -r 48000 -p 512 -n 2).
now, I want to add the 2nd interface, my zoom h4. in a terminal I put
#zita-a2j -d hw:H4 -r 48000 -p 512 -n 2
I get
#Starting synchronisation.
and I can see the zita-bridge both in the graph window of qjackctl and
in my daw (reaper).
the problem is that I don't get any signal from the device connected by
the zita-bridge. I have also tried to change both devices - without
success. furthermore, I've tried to leave some of the parameters (-p
and -n) out.
am I missing something?
thank you very much for any suggestion!
have a good day!
Hi all,
I'm glad to announce the first stable release of the SoundTracker since
2006. Now the project is revived and actively being developed. You can
download the source tarball from
https://sourceforge.net/projects/soundtracker/files/ If you find a bug,
please report them to
(feature requests are also kindly accepted).
SoundTracker is a program for music composing using the so called
"tracker" interface and compatible with the famous DOS program
FastTracker 2 (which is also become open source now).
Best regards,
Greetings !
A little musing from the machine on a cold gray Sunday morning in
December here in NW OH USA.
And for the sonically discriminating here's the original WAV file at 48
kHz 24-bit rez :
Made with a generative patch in VCV Rack. Nothing special musically but
I like the mood and the sounds.
Best regards,
Apologies, I pasted part of the message from my Facebook Group and it
dragged Facebook's context along. Here is the Bandcamp link:
Louigi Verona
On Fri, Nov 29, 2019 at 2:53 PM Florian Paul Schmidt <mista.tapas(a)gmx.net>
> Hi,
> that link points to facebook.. Copying and pasting the link text does
> work though without tracking :)
> On 11/29/2019 2:52 PM, Louigi Verona wrote:
> > Hey everyone!
> >
> > A new project "droning"
> > <https://louigiverona.com/?page=projects&s=music&t=droning> release
> > *Unfamiliar Planet* is now available as an mp3 on my website and as
> > lossless on Badncamp. For the next week it is going to be /available for
> > free/ as my Thank You for everyone's support of my work.
> >
> > In fact,*the first 8 albums* on my Bandcamp page will be available for
> > free for the next week! If you have friends who might enjoy the music,
> > invite them to check it out!
> >
> > https://louigi.bandcamp.com/album/unfamiliar-planet
> > <
> https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Flouigi.bandcamp.com%2Falbum%2F…
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Louigi Verona
> > https://louigiverona.com/
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Linux-audio-user mailing list
> > Linux-audio-user(a)lists.linuxaudio.org
> > https://lists.linuxaudio.org/listinfo/linux-audio-user
> >
> --
> https://fps.io