Mamba release v1.4 is out
Mamba - Virtual MIDI keyboard and MIDI file player/recorder
Mamba is not only a Virtual MIDI keyboard, it's also a MIDI looper. It
allow you to record, for example a bass loop on one channel and then
play along on a other channel with a piano or whatever.
You could save your loops to MIDI files if you wish, in any case, Mamba
save your last record and load it on the next start on default.
Mamba is also a MIDI visualizer, it shows not only what you play, it
shows as well incoming events. It also allow you to load MIDI files,
play them in loop and show the output on the keyboard. You could select
which channel you would monitor on the keyboard. You could as well
monitor all channels at once.
Mamba includes also support by fluidsynth, you could load a soundfont
and directly play along.
Mamba will keep it's settings, so once a soundfont is loaded, on the
next start you could just play along with the keyboard. You could load a
new soundfont at any time. You could as well exit fluidsynth to use
Mamba as plain Virtual MIDI keyboard with the synth of your choice.
Mamba is released under the BSD Zero Clause License license
The GUI is build on libxputty - A damn tiny abstraction Layer to create
X11 window/widgets with cairo surfaces
To build Mamba from source, the following dependencies must be meat.
* libfluidsynth-dev
* libc6-dev
* libsmf-dev
* libcairo2-dev
* libx11-dev
* liblo-dev
* libsigc++-2.0-dev
* libjack-(jackd2)-dev
So, here is the project page:
and here you'll find the last release:
Mamba features
# Virtual Midi Keyboard for Jack Audio Connection Kit <https://jackaudio.org/>
# Including NSM <https://linuxaudio.github.io/new-session-manager/> support
# Including gettext <https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/> localization
# Including fluidsynth <https://github.com/FluidSynth/fluidsynth> support
# Soundfont loader for fluidsynth
# Channel selector
# Bank and Program selector
# Keyboard mapping for qwertz, qwerty, azerty(fr) and azerty(be)
selectable from menu
# Keymap Editor to setup a custom Keymap
# PC Keyboard mapping selector from C0 to C4
# Pitchbend, Balance, Modwheel, Detune, Expression, Attack, Release,
Volume and Velocity controllers
# Sustain and Sostenuto switches
# Connection management Menu
# Support Midi-file load, save, record and play in loop
# BPM controller for playback speed
# Support Midi Beat Clock for playback speed
# Midi Through: forward midi input to output
# Midi input highlighting
# Resizable to a full range 127 key view
# Load Midi-files on command-line
# Support jack_transport to start/stop Midi-Loops
I'm highly conflicted over this year's LAC.
I missed last year's in America, and as well as wanting to meet up with friends
again, I've been given another workshop slot for Yoshimi, so I'd *really* hate
to miss this one. However...
At that time I'll be approaching 72 years old, which puts me well in the high
risk bracket, although I think I'm fairly fit.
Quarantine on return wouldn't bother me much, it's just be a bit of a nuisance.
I live alone anyway.
It's a 6+ hour train journey (that's time actually on the trains). This is a
long time to stay masked, and I've heard reports that people are frequently
taking theirs off and only putting them back on if a guard comes or the train
I wouldn't even think about going by air. I've never travelled well in a plane,
even when much younger.
I suppose I could drive, although it would probably be wise to make overnight
stops each way. Also I've never driven on the continent, so don't know how I'd
manage both 'wrong' side of road as well as all the French road layouts, signs
and regulations.
What to do :(
Will J Godfrey
Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.
> No idea why it adds the suffix, in such a situation I'd try and pass just
> the basename of the scl file like this:
> startBristol -b3 -scala ji_12
Thank you for the response, Edgar. Unfortunately, it didn't work. Oh, and
I pointed to the file, again, and it's no longer adding the suffix.
I've attached the output from bristol. It looks as though the program is
doing everything it should. It recognises all the relevant information and
even calls the scala by its correct name. All I hear is ET.
Thank you, again, Edgar.
I'm just experimenting with new setups of Debian for audio. When running
RealtimeConfigQuickScan it triggered a vague recollection of a
discussion (here?) that configuring hpet and rtc timers is no longer
necessary as they are not used any more. Is this true or am I
The wiki guide at https://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/system_configuration
is still a goldmine for setup but it contains some sections of which I
am unsure whether they are still applicable, including the HW timers bit.
I've found a few references to an article Dave Phillips wrote, entitled
"Linux Audio Plug-Ins: A Look Into LADSPA". It's referenced on the front
page of www.ladspa.org, and was, it seems, on O'Reilly's web page.
However, the O'Reilly links seem to be broken, and a number of Google
searches have turned up nothing. (The LADSPA homepage didn't actually list
the title - I found that elsewhere; I'm assuming there is just one article
that I'm seeing references to, but if Dave had more than one article on
O'Reilly concerning LADSPA, this may further confuse the issue!)
Can anyone direct me to a copy of this article? Failing that, is there an
alternate source of introductory material you'd recommend?
Hello, All!
I'm running UbuntuStudio 18.04 and am using this command to start bristol:
startBristol -b3 -scala ji_12.scl
I got bristol from the repos, which is completely up to date.. The scala
file is in .bristol/memory/profiles. The problem is that I hear no
difference in the chords. That's the just intonation that Robert Rich used
for Geometry, and the A-flat and G-flat chords should be particularly
spicy. I've pointed the command line to the specific file in my scala
folder, but the output tells me that bristol can't load the file
ji_12.scl.scl. I'm not sure why it adds the suffix.
What am I missing? Also, if anyone knows of a Hammond emulator that is
compatible with scala, I'd love to hear about it. That's the real goal.
Hello Linux Audio folks!
I wanted to see if I could get a conversation going about the future of
music distribution. Given that we are people who make creative works
with free software, I figured this is as decent a place as any to
discuss what is out there, what is possible, and what should be avoided.
My own personal approach to distribution is detailed below, but I invite
others on this list to share their own methods and ideas.
By now, most of us are probably resigned to the fact that the music
world will look quite a bit different going forward, compared with prior
eras. Many musicians feel that today's points of engagement with music
fail to provide adequate revenues, and are taking to social media to
criticize Spotify and the ilk for not being better "stewards" of music.
I largely agree with those sentiments, which is why I have been taking
the opportunity to construct a solid home base for my music project
<https://multipli.city>, which is fully operated on my own physical
hardware and some AWS cloud services at a cost of $7/month. It's just a
simple jekyll template <https://github.com/SacredData/pRoJEct-NeGYa>
hosted on GitHub Pages. However, by publishing my music releases to my
own jekyll page one time, I get the added benefit of also publishing to
all desired locations on the web simultaneously, including to a podcast
feed <https://multipli.city/podcast.xml> compatible with Apple's podcast
It's weird to me that we are still trying to unit-price music in a world
where it's cheaper and easier than ever to record, produce, and
distribute it. I am not necessarily interested in profiting from my own
musical endeavors, but a friend of mine is a rather popular independent
electronic artist, who has pointed out to me that despite millions of
annual streams, streaming services alone don't provide him anywhere near
a livable income. In my opinion, this shouldn't be so. There's also the
issue of being beholden to the whims of private firms who run various
online music services. Anyone here miss SoundCloud Groups, for example?
I've begun to wonder if solutions like mine could be the foundation for
a new kind of music distribution approach - perhaps one where musicians
maintain podcast feeds, where monetization vectors are much more
profitable and much more flexible for individuals to exercise without
betraying their own values.
Hi all,
some of you may be active on linuxmusicians.com and my be already aware
of this, others maybe not, but the 3rd installment of the Libre Music
Challenge has come to a close and entries can be listened to and voted on:
(Go the first post in this thread for an explanation what the challenge
is about.)
The voting period is very short, since the winner(s) will already be
announced on unfa's next Live stream, which usually happens on the
evening of the first Sunday of the month, i.e. upcoming Sunday.
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