Does anyone know of software that can generate MIDI messages from a touchpad?
The idea would be to send CCs to a sequencer or soft synth, but being able to
send it to an external hardware device would also be very useful.
Will J Godfrey
Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.
This is Steinway_IMIS soundfont, version 2.2.
This version fixes the issue with loops. I hope this is the good one
and there are no more remaining major bugs.
Marcos is a little busy right now, so he asked me to make this fix. He
is thinking to make other improvements, so expect more updates soon.
I've pushed the source for guitarix.vst Linux version to github.
guitarix.vst is a VST3 wrapper for guitarix using JUCE.
It allow to load your guitarix presets into the DAW of your choice.
This is still a alpha version, it may contain bugs and/or may change in
the future
for more information visit the project page.
I was feeling rather pious this past weekend, so I put the rainbow strap
on my keytar and wrote this little hymn to celebrate the resonating
universe and the holy FM synthesis.
Ogg Vorbis download:
MP3 download:
Composed and produced by Christopher Arndt in February 2023.
Recorded in Ardour 7 on Linux with a Yamaha Reface DX FM synthesizer and
a Kurzweil PC3K into a MIDAS MR18 digital mixer and audio interface.
All sounds from the Reface DX, except bass drum and snares from PC3K.
Sounds used: "Flute DX" and "Organ Slow" by Tom Ansink [1] ,
"RetroChoir" (modified) by Jeremy Mulders [2], "Dulciclone" and "Celesta
C2" by me, "Basic Orch Perc" from PC3K factory presets.
Effects added in the DAW: reverb from "LSP Impulse Reverb Stereo" and
Samplicity M7 "North Church" impulse response and from "DFZitaRev1" [3]
plugin, multi-band EQ and compression on master bus using "ZamAudio
ZaMultiCompX2", and "Calf Saturator".
Inspired by a video from Alex Ball: "Dulcitone 1900 | Blessed are the
music makers" [4]
Share & Enjoy!
I have some sheet music from an old relative of my wife. They are nicely printed
on paper (printing shop) and 105 years old this year. I would like to scan them
and hopefully have them converted to lilypond or xml or whatever is used today.
It seems that MusicXML is the most used today but the best would be lilypond.
Anyone know of such software for Linux? I saw an app for iPhone and Android that
seemed promising but much cooler would be a native Linux program.
Hi all,
I just have released SoundTracker v1.0.4-pre1. I've decided to make a
feature-freeze at this point, this means that 1.0.4 will have no new
features comparing to this pre-release, only fixes and small
improvements if something will be found inconvenient. So I ask everyone
who has interest in SoundTracker to test this release. Here are main
features of the 1.0.4-pre1 release comparing to 1.0.3:
* General:
- Full-screen mode
- Volume of all samples of an instrument / all samples in the module can
be set to a value, not only gained. Also all samples panning can be
adjusted. These functions can also modify the explicitly given values of
volume / panning of notes in patterns
- Improved compatibility with FastTracker, also MOD files are played
more correctly
- Unused patterns are listed in the Pattern Sequence Editor
- Sampling rate can be specified while saving a sample as WAV
- New module optimizer with many control parameters
* Track Editor:
- Moving notes up / down is implemented
* Sample Editor:
- External programs can be used for samples processing. The interaction
between such a program is described using XML spec, no ST recompiling
- The whole sample is drawn after recording
- Exponential / reverse exponential volume fade transients
* Instrument Editor:
- Envelope inversion and shifting is implemented
SoundTracker download page:
Hey hey,
I have digitised a few last tapes. The sound isn't too bad, but all tapes
appear to be a little too bass heavy. Since I only work in the terminal I
approach the issue with Csound that provides a lot of tools. All kinds of
filters, rms/peak metres, an lufs metre and more.
First: did I miss an obvious commandline tool that would produce a
reasonable solution for that?
There are two main issues that I try to improve halfway automatically. 1.
Sometimes the stereo balance is a little wrong with one channel being slightly
louder than the other. 2. Imrpoving the frequency spectrum, flattening it a
little bit.
For 1. I have started by taking the file's peak of both channels seperately
and simply multiplying them so the peaks match. Over a whole tape side this
should be approximately the same. Or should I go with a different measurement?
lufs integrated loudness, momentary or short term maximums?
For the second issue, I am unsure. I have split the audio into frequency bands
using octaves, more or less. So the first band goes up to 100Hz, the next to
200, then 400, 800 and so on. I have used Csound's tone and atone filters:
atone highpass filter:
and the matching tone lowpass filter:
Then on each band for each channel I run the lufs metre, storing the maximum
momentary and short term values and the integrated loudness.
Though I wonder: are the frequency ranges and type of filter reasonable? If so
how would I approximate a reasonably flat spectrum? Which values to
compare to what? I mean: what kind of measurement to use and should I
compare adjecent bands and extrapolate fitting values from that or
compare one frequency band's measurement to the same measurement on the
unprocessed full-band audio?
Any hints and practical suggestions are very welcome.
Thank you and best wishes,
* Website: - for summer is a state of sound
* Youtube:
* Audiobombs:
* GitHub:
I'm reaching out to you
To find that you're not there <3
(Britney Spears)
The Formant editor window has been made a bit more user friendly.
The Command line can now use Yoshimi's Copy/Paste feature and stored presets.
There are also minor bugfixes and general updates.
Full details are in /doc/Yoshimi_2.2.3_features.txt
Yoshimi source code is available from either:
Full build instructions are in 'INSTALL'.
Our list archive is at:
To post, email to:
Will J Godfrey {apparently now an 'elderly'}
Hello all,
Just hours after the release of zita-resampler-1.10.0 yesterday,
a new bug was reported, not in the library but in the zresample
This is now fixed in 1.10.1