First time in a long time tempted to shell out $$ for more audio software. My
last investment was Cakewalk's "Home Studio" (Sonar's little sister with
more bang for the buck!). Windows 98 and no upgrade path short of more and
more Microsoft.
Some questions on this baby:
1. Hardware. Run on a (fake) dual-core P4? Or does it really need core-5?
2. Software. I do use MIDI. Ardour 3 has it. Will there be a smooth upgrade
path or is this locked into Ardour 2?
(I use my old Jammer and Ntonyx software using Wine with some but not 100%
success but these tools make my "studio.") I suppose the MIDI output can be
digitized and recorded using jack tools into Ardour. However, it is effective
to do live recording over the MIDI since it is less resource intensive and
digitize later.