On Sat, 2006-10-07 at 13:44 +0200, Yves Potin wrote:
Le 07 Oct à 10:22, Lars Luthman ecrivait:
I wrote a trivial LADSPA plugin to do that a
while ago. It's not
officially released, but I think I posted it on the old Om mailing lise.
Thank you very much, that's exactly what I was searching for. I've
found your plugin there :
The result is here :
As, without your plugin, I've spent much more than three or four
hours to do what I wanted without success, and found the solution in 5
minutes with it, I'd be very curious and interested to know how this can
be achieved in the « traditional » way in Om, i.e. controlling in time the
evolution of a filter with an envelope, which seems a somewhat common
use of a synth to me :).
In the particular case that you show in your screenshot, wouldn't you
get the same result (or better, since you don't do any downsampling) if
you set "Resonance (CR)" to 0, "Resonance gain" to 1, and connect the
amp_mono_0 output directly to the "Resonance (AR)" port on the filter?
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