Looking at the Gate plugins (ids 1921 and 1922) I don't see a
non-audio input or output. They should work fine in ardour.
To get the gui to edit the parameters, do a Ctrl-Right click on
the name in the plugin list in the mixer strip. Give it a try,
and if you have more problems, address them to ardour-users mailing
Frank Barknecht wrote on Mon, 29-Dec-2003:
John Anderson hat gesagt: // John Anderson wrote:
I'm trying to use the Gate plugins (from the
swh plugin collection) with
Ardour. Seems like that isn't quite the right place for them - there
seems to be no place for the non-audio input / output?
So what other app could I use them in?
There are a lot of applications that can host LADSPA plugins, so it
very much depends on what you want to achieve.
Maybe Pd helps: there's not much that cannot be achieved with Pure
Data. ;)