On 11/05/2010 01:07 PM, Rustom Mody wrote:
On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 3:08 PM, Jeremy Jongepier
<jeremy(a)autostatic.com> wrote:
Try adding an ampersand after xfce-session.
Makes no diff: Another session manager is already running is the error
That is probably because of the -keybd options I used. I had to use this
specific line to get my keyboard and mouse working properly.
Yes the keybd options cause problems sometimes and sometimes not
man Xephyr is very informative on these options.
Out here man Xephyr gives me hardly one screenful: the only options
mentioned are screen parent and host-cursor.
It however says its like xnest. So install Xnest and look at its man
page. No keybd options there either. But it says see Xserver. So I
see Xserver. Nothing there either
Hello Rustom,
You're right, the man page of Xephyr doesn't provide a lot of info as
Xephyr doesn't have that much options by itself. So the Xephyr man page
being informative almost sounds cynical, sorry about that, not my
intention. I got the usage info of this parameter from Xephyr --help,
TinyX section. then I found out it didn't work for me so I started
googling and came upon setting this specific option which works in my case.
Anyway for now I am dropping the keybd and session
call and that runs.
Script is:
#set -x
# Set up nested X server
Xephyr -ac -screen 1024x768x16 -host-cursor -br -reset -terminate 2>
/dev/null :2 &
sleep 3
export DISPLAY=:2.0
I am now at the point of calling the second script. The jack_capture
is giving its own share of problems so try to only get video with the
ffmpeg call
DATE=`date +%Y%m%d`
TIME=`date +%Hh%M`
export DISPLAY=:2.0
# Start screencast
#xterm -display :0.0 -e jack_capture -b 24
$HOME/screencast/screencast_audio_$DATE-$TIME.wav &
ffmpeg -an -f x11grab -r 30 -s 1280x720 -i :2 -vcodec libx264 -vpre
lossless_ultrafast -threads 4
#killall jack_capture
Error I get is
[x11grab @ 0x9e04c30] device: :1 -> display: :1 x: 0 y: 0 width: 1280
height: 720
[x11grab @ 0x9e04c30] shared memory extension found
X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
Major opcode of failed request: 130 (MIT-SHM)
Minor opcode of failed request: 4 (X_ShmGetImage)
Serial number of failed request: 11
Current serial number in output stream: 11
[1]+ Segmentation fault Xephyr -ac -screen 1024x768x16
-host-cursor -br -reset -terminate :2 2> /dev/null
That is because you're trying to capture a 1280x720 screensize with
ffmpeg while the Xephyr screensize is 1024x768.