On 01/28/2012 12:41 PM, Rustom Mody wrote:
Ive been wanting to record the output of firefox(flash
of some sort).
I followed
and connected the firefox output into audacity.
It works but the original firefox sound is much louder and clearer
than the recording even when done at full volume.
So two questions
1. Is it possible to capture the pcm data that jack is sending into a
file and then to convert that file (sox??) to wav.
I tried arecord and audacity -- they were both similar
2. Any better/more proper way to do this?
Why not just normalize the wave once you have it in audacity??
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Staat heißt das kälteste aller kalten Ungeheuer. Kalt lügt es auch;
und diese Lüge kriecht aus seinem Munde: 'Ich, der Staat, bin das Volk.'
- [Friedrich Nietzsche]