On 05/12, Will Godfrey wrote:
I installed devuan Linix 2.0.0 rc without any issues at
all - no more
inexplicable SystemD failures. I then built up the system with all my favourite
programs. This was the most time consuming part of the install.
Are Devuan still struggling with timely security updates backed from debian?
And the performance? Stunning! The machine is totally
silent. There wasn't so
much as a whisper when maxing out all 8 cores compiling the latest Rosegarden
image! One of my most complex projects had to run at 5.33mS Latency on the old
machine, and I didn't dare touch anything while it was going. On the new one I
can run it at 1.33mS, and shuffle various windows around without a single Xrun.
Sounds good.
Thinkpad T60p 2.33Ghz 2GB SXGA+
Jabber IM: dekkzz76(a)jabber.hot-chilli.net