On Mon, 23 Apr 2018 19:02:10 +0200 (CEST)
"Jeanette C." <julien(a)mail.upb.de> wrote:
Comparing this to the last remix, the kick seems less
If a certain hesitation at bringing the kick too forward, especially
one that's fatter, since the bass part was not created with that in
mind. At this point I do not want to redo the bass, and I do not want
to try to 'fix it in the mix'.
Overall, it sounds like there is more subtle
compression, much closer
to the first version, though the EQ'ing feels more balanced.
A little EQing was done in the mastering. Since hearing it the first
time, I'm still amazed at how much of a signal boost the stereo track
gets by cutting a bit in the very highs.
A good demonstration why it's worth it to return
to a
"finished" work and reopen the case.
I also like much more that mix BUT... it has flaws. I listen to it
again and the synth parts are way too underneath. Doing what I did,
adding the kick and just touching up a tad the bass (using a new
plugin ! oh no) affected the whole mix. To my ears there's way too
much bass now.
So I'll rework it and post an update.