Le 25 Feb à 23:23, Julien Claassen ecrivait:
I rather liked caves2. Reminded me a bit of the
Flower Kings, but more
psychodelic. I like the pad (sounds sometimes a bit like Mellotron, is
Hi Julien.
Thanks for listening and for your comments. There's a reminiscence
of the mellotron sound in this pad, yes, but it's not a mellotron or even
a sampled mellotron :). It's Zynaddsubfx's voices, basically.
Where do you take the drums from? Is t nskit7free?
Not at all. They are samples, the cymbals come from Purrfect Drums
and the tablas from something called Heart of Asia.
Well as I said: I like the sounds, and the sound of
the mix. But for my
taste it is a bit to repetetive. STill nice to listen to.
Yes, it's a bit always the problem with electronic and sequenced
music. I've noticed with some suprise some time ago that even in « electro
jazz » music (if this makes sense), some musiciens can just play a sample
of less than one bar for 5 minutes, in fact a countless times of
repetitions. Is it the choice of simplicity or a form of expression ? A
tool like Hydrogen greatly improves this tendance (that's a reason for me
not to use it). I'd be interested to hear the opinions of people here also
involved in this kind of music...
But the scale progression in Caves is rather long and played only
two times for the guitar chorus :)).