On Tue Oct 24, 2006 at 08:52:08PM +0000, Carlo
Capocasa wrote:
I've been trying to set up ZynAddSubFX to perform
professionally and while in
theory all is a bed of
roses I just can't get the darn thing to be at least
stable enough so I would actually even allow
myself to THINK about going near a stage. No way
with this pile of junk.
Sorry to hear about your stability related bad
experiences with ZynAddSubFX. I haven't had any
problems with it, but I'm not a heavy user yet.
Is anybody actually still developing ZynAddSubFX or do
we have to get along with the latest release for the
rest of the time we use it?
It's a shame if nobody is working on it. It's such an
awesome sounding synthesizer that it would be a shame
if it can't be used for live shows because of the
stability problems.
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