thank you Mr. McCoy!
Hmm... with the alsa driver i get no audio/midi detection in JACK for my
R16... Like Mr. Davis is saying, i don't think ardour has alot to do with
this. I believe JACK is more of a headliner in this investigation :) It's
not so much of a problem in my workflow since the tracks are easily
exported out of the zoom into any DAW. But it could be convenient.
Hopefully, someone more skilled than me will push the research forward.
Technically i can't do anything. But what i am doing ATM is writing an
impossible-to-decline email to Zoom, to try to obtain the source of the OSX
drivers (wish me luck), since it seems from other threads in the ether
covering the subject, that it could help the WIP.
Have a delicious week!
On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 3:10 PM, Paul Davis <paul(a)>wrote;wrote:
On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 8:04 AM, Brett McCoy <idragosani(a)> wrote:
I'm now using Ubuntu Studio 13.04, I haven't tried the device out yet
on that version. If I recall, I didn't need to use any specific
driver, I think it used the ALSA USB audio & midi drivers
automagically. You have to do a little bit of config in Ardour, to
make sure you use the correct protocol. I don't think it works in
Ardour2 or MixBus, though, just Ardour3.
No idea what role Ardour would play in this ....
Set Hallström
reSet Sakrecoer