Am 24.04.21 um 12:42 schrieb Jostein Chr. Andersen:
This is also one thing that's missing in the SFZ
format. For natural HH
sound, the sampler needs to be able to handle both velocity and at the
same time (or HH trigger or trigger drum pad) with ac CC control (such
as a modulation knob or HH controller for the openness).
I think you have the wrong perception of SFZ's capabilities here.
Samples (or sample groups) in SFZ libraries can be selected according to
note number (of course), note on velocity (lovel and hivel opcodes) and
based on a CC value (loccN and hiccN opcodes), and much more.
It has the 'group' and 'off_by' opcodes to implement choking. Though
some tricks might be required to implement realistic hit-hat splashes.
The tutorials on the site go into great detail on
how to emulate realistic drum kit behaviour with SFZ, especially the
section on cymbal muting:
Or is there something else you wanted to achieve with SFZ that you think
it couldn't do?