On Wednesday 23 September 2009 19:26:50 Josh Lawrence wrote:
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 11:15 AM, Michael Roberts
Then I found
NtEd. I'm surprised there is little mention of it in the
archives here. I found it to be the only serious composition tool that
installed and ran without any problems, and very easy to use. If you
want to make use of midi, the latest version ( 1.8.0 ) supports creating
a score from playing a midi keyboard. The developer's website and
documentation is comprehensive and well written. So if you are more
interested in composing music than tweaking Linux music apps, I recommend
you check out NtEd.
ok, your post brings up a question in my mind: are you using NtEd as
a midi sequencer, or are you composing note-by-note, and using the
notation capabilities after-the-fact?
As of 1.8.0, nted is ready to play. One can without much trouble enter a score
start to finish. Only the old noteedit let me do that before. Mscore (is this
still being developed?) promised to be a linux sibelius, is a very snazzy
program indeed, but suffers from some instablitity and controversial UI
decisions (in my mind--I like this program a lot but have not succeded with
it). Denemo, once one learns how to use it, is an alternative, feeding
lilypond for output.