On Sun, 2004-12-19 at 17:01, MarC wrote:
En/na Jan Depner ha escrit:
>On Sun, 2004-12-19 at 10:55, Russell Hanaghan wrote:
>>Fact is, it is impossible to tune an acoustic guitar
>>"perfectly"...Invariably, when you have it tuned so an open G chord
>>sounds spot on, an open A or even C will be a tad off. And the same
>>applies to the inverse of course. This all due to a general lack of
>>adjustment for intonation on acoustic axes. But to the untuned ear
>>(which I agree in sort...should be the final judge of how your axe is
>>"tuned" ) this is not really noticeble.
> Feiten tuned guitars are much better, unfortunately the method is
Funny thing about this is that I made a guitar in 1989 that had a
650mm scale (just slightly longer than 25.5 inches) but I screwed up and
set the first fret spacing for 25.5 inches. This turns out to be just
about Feiten tuned. The guitar plays true pretty much anywhere on the