Nick Torenvliet wrote:
Okay, so here is the prince of dumb questions...
I have a song in ardour- four tracks... and I want to write it to an
audio cd so I can play it on any cd player... could someone fill in the
blanks for me....
From ardour I export into a *stereo WAV* file
? --> Then I fire up handy dandy application ___________ and import the file
? --> Then I export it to __________ format
Then I burn an audio cd using that whiz bang app *gcombust, a front-end to cdrecord* ?
Steps 2 & 3 are unnecessary in this method. Make sure your exported
tracks are in 44.1 kHz stereo 16-bit WAV format, a.k.a. redbook CD
audio. Obviously you must have cdrecord and gcombust installed too.
Cdrecord is a standard item included with most (all?) mainstream Linux
PS: You might want to put in an intermediate step of normalization
and/or some other mastering process, perhaps using JAMin.