Am Freitag, den 07.09.2018, 19:45 -0400 schrieb jonetsu:
And yes, antifas are known to be violent people.
Everyone who is against fascism can call himself antifa. Or, as a
commentator in the German Newspaper "taz" says: "A liberal who isn't
antifa isn't a liberal." It's not left wing against right wing, it's
people working, fighting and arguing for making this world a better
place for all humans against crybabys and baiters that don't care or
only care if it is for the benefit of their own (heavily constructed)
race, pointing their fingers at (groups of) people they don't even know
making them responsible for every bad in the world.
You seriously think it's a cool idea, sending a youtube link with a
couple of women blaming lots of my friends to be criminal, violent and
dubious, across the board? Think again!