I have a RPI2 that is used as a Squeezebox Server, a Squeezebox Player
(Squeezelite) and that does Room correction with Jackd and jconvolver.
It is running with a RT kernel.
CPU usage is around 35% (9% to 11% for each of the following services :
Jackd, Jconvolver, Squeezelite)
Mem usage is around 30% (same as above)
After a few minutes the Pi crashes.
I tried both :
jackd -d alsa -r 44100 -p 1024 -n 2 -P -s
jackd -d alsa -r 44100 -p 256 -n 2 -P -s
with no significative difference
I also played with priorities, affinity, RT sched
here again, with no significative difference
I also tried BruteFIR
CPU usage is even less.
Nevertheless, Rpi2 crashes after a while.
I have added to my config.txt
Once again, with no significative difference
What do you suggest ???
I have also read on the net that Rpi2 has NEON and that it might help, if
so, how could I enable it ?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you all
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