On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 7:55 AM, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
On 04/04/2011 03:09 PM, David Adler wrote:
I cannot help
(14400000 ms in [delwrite~] is too much for puredata -
I was just curious. Anyhow, these objects use ram, not
the disc.)
So puredata can't buffer 4 hours of data? Is that a limitation of the
available memory or the internal format or what? Ardour can records for at
least 10 hours non stop.
Puredata probably can, the [delwrite~] object made pd crash
here (with 2Gb of ram).
I don't know the reason, but anyhow, the OP considered using
disk space, and I said I can not help with this. That's why I placed
the brackets.