Le 06 Oct à 20:13, Thorsten Wilms ecrivait:
You just have to use the right plugins. Control rates
are good for static
parameters and you rarely will use them for something dynamic.
Use control rate frequency oscs only for fixed freq.
Use audio rate frequency oscs if you want to modulate it.
There's a control to audio rate plugin and there's some tracker plugin
for the other way (can't remember name and collection right now, sorry).
I hardly ever need them.
Thanks for the answer, I'll take care of the advice.
But I've just found this :
http://atte.dk/om-wiki/AudioControlConversion which make me think that
what I try to do isn't completely weird, or maybe am I not alone :). The
plugin described in this page is exactly what I'm looking for, has it been
written as it's suggested ? Would anyone know what could be its name and in
what collection one could find it ?
All this is very curious, because for example various synths
emulations available in Bristol permit to do this immediately, the ARP
2600 especially. But I must have misunderstood the philosophy of Om about
that, I will take care of this.