Atte André Jensen wrote:
David Baron wrote:
Very little has progressed since the last thread
A sidestep:
Has anyone been able to run sibelius under linux? If so, what steps did
you have to follow?
sudo aptitude install musescore lilypond nted rosegarden where my steps
i did follow...
No experience with Sibelius on linux. I only worked for a while with
Finale wine.
But I didn't use finale much on linux. I'm learning now Lilypond with
the help of some useful tools e.g. lilykde (excellent templates and
fast) and lilypondtool (great debugger and a lot of options)
and till now I can do everything I want, also with help of the lilypond
user mailinglist....
If you can work with lilypond, you can use the Notation editors (nted,
rosegarden, musescore, denemo or noteedit) to work with a gui, and if
needed you can improve the score (adding chord symbols for example) by
hand. What I try to say, learn lilypond and you don't 'suffer' much if
an notation editor lacks a feature you need...