On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 06:03:30AM -0500, Jan Depner wrote:
One of the
visual hallmarks of a GNU system - and one of the things that I
find attractive about it is the plethora of cute anthropomorphic animals used
as logos and icons. Each of these creatures has a kind of totemic association
in the context of GNU software ( like bit-beasts ). Therefore we should take
some care when assigning cuddly cartoon creatures to functions.
[I'll bring this thread round to a semi-serious point in a minute, just keep
reading ;-]
The elephant is clearly already the emblem of postgresql, the rest are
relatively free agents. We don't have much in the way of friendly fish icons,
unless you count PHP?s porpoise (not a fish), Terrapin has already been used
although not in a GNU context. I think rabbits are still free range.
You forgot the Ogg Vorbis fish.
And the OpenBSD blowfish as well.