Yes thank you. It does ... but when I use kmiditracker as a slave, the tempo
change every time, and it is not very synchro ... but yes, this is something
like that, that I am looking for.
The top of the top would be hacking Seq24 and add this feature. But I am not
a C or C++ developper ...
I am trying others trackers to see. But I am not so confortable with this
kind of sequencer.
2008/11/28 Edgar Aichinger <edogawa(a)>
Am Freitag 28 November 2008 schrieb Mysth-R:
> I don't know really... as I said, I
didn't need to sync anything
the last few years so I didn't care to look for that feature.
But I do know that MIDI clock send and receive has been implemented in
svn recently. I don't have the time to search which other apps might
it, sorry... as always, google is your friend :)
Ok thank you for your help. But using Ardour just to syncrhonize Two
computers using seq24, is just like killing a mosquito with an atomik
bomb !
I would just need an software where I could
choose slave or master,
adjusting the tempo (in the case of master) and send/recevive midi beat
clock and Jack transport.
If any kind developper listen to me .... ;-D
Hm, I just found this, looks like it should do what you want (it claims to
able to act as MIDI clock master or slave):
ah, the DL link there doesn't work, but i found the tar.bz2 here:…
good luck,
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