On Wed, 1 Aug 2018 16:07:08 +0200 (CEST)
"Jeanette C." <julien(a)mail.upb.de> wrote:
The piece is quite good as to how the various themes weaves in and out,
each with their own voice, well supported by the rhythms. The sounds
are quite good all over. The tuned percussion notes answering back and
forth from right to left starting at 1:44 adds a nice touch. The
reed-like sound expressing a theme at 2:18 is nice. It would have been
even nicer with a touch of modulation. The brief sound field effect at
2:52 however sounds a bit odd.
The addition of noise at the beginning and end places the piece in some
kind of story-telling context.
A good EDM-like piece where at every moment something is happening.