On Thursday 19 October 2006 19:55, Thomas Vecchione wrote:
Unfortunatly though that may have mixed results for
Linux if
things don't improve for our support of flash on it.
The Flash 9 beta is out for linux (came out a couple days ago)
and while I don't do Youtube in the browser, it seems pretty
good for everything else. I think as long as Adobe feels the
GNU guys nipping at their heels with Gnash, they'll keep the
Linux plugin updated (at least until Gnash reaches
feature-parity and starts becoming the de facto Flash player
standard under Linux, in which case they'll probably start
trying to break it.)
As for Youtube being Napster.... Napster had no way to remove
songs that the music industry claimed were infringing. Youtube
serves everything off of servers under its control. They do get
a lot of complaints, but they jump on infringements pretty fast,
and should qualify for the "safe harbor" provisions of the DMCA.
They will be sued by someone eventually for some perceived
injury, but as long as they keep following through on complaints
I think they may win.