On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 05:11:30PM +0200, Asa Marco wrote:
The official name is linux-show-player as you can see
on google code
homepage, I've just sent a build script to Arch User Repository and it's
called linux-show-player(-svn). If you want to launch the program the
command is, you guess, linux-show-player.
LiSP is an easier to write acronym for documentation, list discussion,
bug reporting...
I hope this dispute on the name won't affect your opinion on
the software itself, and if anyone is willing to propose an alternative
great-sounding name I'm sure the main author would consider it ;)
OK. That's great. I think the name is perfect. The subject of the thread
"prompted" my post, as I was "bitten" by epiphany vs epiphany-browser
Debian, although, humourous in hindsight. :)
"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the
oppressing." --- Malcolm X