On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 05:14:52PM -0600, Jan Evil Twin Depner wrote:
Do you have one of the Behringer T1953 mic pre-amps? I remember
someone saying they had one but I can't find the email. If so, how do
you like it? I'm thinking about getting one although the Blue Tube is
cheaper and has won some awards.
personally i wouldn't bother with a preamp upgrade until you
can afford something more serious... the blue tubes i've heard
were IMHO nothing special and not worth the (cheap) price tag.
if you're looking for a "warm tube" sound, the peavey VMP
seems to be the cheapest thing that the rec.audio.pro crowd
likes. 2 channels for about $650 *used* - don't know the new price.
for clean sound, the 2-channel FMR RNP is $450-ish
and apparently is really amazing. i want one.
Paul Winkler