MarC <marc_contrib(a)> writes:
Notice that to register they only ask you, your name
and your email
Privacy issues as well exist, but it's not what I'm concerned with
reporting a bug. I just want to walk around the highway posting random
bug reports on any project I see fit. My job here at random bugs r us
is to post arbitrary bug reports on anything interesting that pass the
I also remind you that you had to register to this
list to receive and
post messages on it
True, there really is no other way. We ain't in kansas anymore,
toto. We're on a mailinglist so it's highly likely we need a email
address if we want to get emails. Registering to post bug reports is
annoying and time waste. It's nice that we have bugtrackers that you
can send anonymous emails to; I'll bet you get more bug reports.
Spam 'we filter r us.
Esben Stien is b0ef(a)