On 10/10/2012 09:32 PM, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
I also don't quite get what's the fun in
having another distribution
even if it comes prepackaged will all the latest gizmos. It's still a
Linux distribution with all its dependencies, repositories and
suchlike. Dunno if you noticed, but it's marketplaces and app stores
what's trending today.
So, finally the big closed source OS vendors wisened up to a package
management system (an android app is a zip file with a manifest and
the system makes sure it installs nicely and also uninstalls nicely -
a package, even the extension reflects that: APK - Android Package)..
The difference is that package management systems in the open source
a] ...also track dependencies
b] ...focus heavily on free software
Oh, I forgot a big one:
c] ...mostly do not have a well defined revenue stream process..