That worked Luke. So simple and I never even tried it. Thanks for thinking
outside the box for me... or rather, smack bang in the middle of the box as
the case may be!
On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 3:19 AM, Luke Peterson <luke.peterson(a)>wrote;wrote:
Luke Peterson
- sent via mobile device -
On Mar 19, 2011 8:39 PM, "Dan Capp" <reflectremain(a)> wrote:
Research tells me that QSynth seems to be the only currently
available/usable GUI
for FluidSynth, but I get big xruns whenever I try and
use it.
Just a guess here... but iirc qsynth loads some in-line effects by default
(reverb and overdrive maybe?) I remember having ridiculous xruns until I
removed everything but the patches themselves from the chain. Maybe this is