If you've got some more time to
exercise, it's easy to do a hardware implementation - it's called
"astable multivibrator" take a battery, two Transistors a Cap and few
Resistors,... - eg.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multivibrator - for a
more professional approach, follow the NE555 IC idea. radio-shack sells
If you want to get into making annoying noises: try to modulate
some high-freq. osc. - there are various tools to generate/synth sounds
on linux..
depending on your flavor try spiralsynthmodular, pure-data,
supercollider, or a dog-whistle + old hair-dryer approach ;) - There is
also the possibility of creating sick-feelings with some <16Hz sounds -
they don't exactly qualify the subject, but are IMHO more interesting.
This stuff is great. I know that this isn't "linux" related, but i bought
a couple if 555 IC as per the previous suggestion to make a high pitched
Next I'll move on to the following suggestion ... "makes you need to go
poop ... now" noises. This 555 thing will take me a while, i need to brush
up onmy soldering skills.