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On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 6:02 PM, Leslie P. Polzer
Jennifer wrote:
I am now using Alsa but can't seem to get
multi channel sounds,
I.E speech and/or system sounds, I only have speech.
You need to buy a proper sound card with hardware mixing (e.g.
SB Audigy) or configure Alsa to do software mixing. Why modern
distributions don't configure this properly on their own puzzles
me, but they probably just throw in the horrible PulseAudio
without thinking a lot about it.
Oh wait, I just saw an nice bit of news: ALSA 1.0.9rc2 or later
supports software mixing by default, but you probably don't have
that version yet.
The bottom line is that you need to write the proper incantation
into some text file. I don't need that so I'll leave that to
the others to explain who have such a setup...
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