On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 10:34:39AM +0100, tim hall wrote:
The elephant is clearly already the emblem of postgresql, the rest are
relatively free agents. We don't have much in the way of friendly fish icons,
unless you count PHP?s porpoise (not a fish), Terrapin has already been used
although not in a GNU context. I think rabbits are still free range.
The time has come to speak of fish
and other useless gibberish,
Allow me please to cast a line
about this favoured theme of mine.
Our best-loved fish makes little sound,
it's always good to have around.
Lads should know this fella, why
it's Xiphophorus helleri! [1]
Rabbits though make stealthy ploys,
like changing speeds with little noise
So don't be startled by the modes
of ... Sssh! secret rabbit code! [2]