On 5 July 2010 19:38, Niels Mayer <nielsmayer(a)gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 2:39 AM, James Morris
<james(a)jwm-art.net> wrote:
a program i'm making (yes that one) will
benefit from knowing about
musical scales. i looked in the source code for non-sequencer (i'll
look at arpage next),
One thing I'd like to see in a pitch-smart arpeggiator: automatic
chording, much like what can be done with a Suzuki Qchord (
http://www.qchord.net/ ).
(see also LAU:
Instead of the usual settings for arpeggiation range&style (1octave,
2octave && notes played in order vs. random, etc), you'd have arp
range AND chord.
Instead of playing the notes to arpeggiate, you'd play the root note
of the chord and select a desired chord. Getting fancier, once a
chord is set, you could do a discrete-glissando up and down the
keyboard to "strum" the chord. (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glissando#.27Discrete_glissando.27 ).
boxyseq won't be doing this exactly to your requirements, but then,
boxyseq is intended more for taking some control away from the
composer. the user only has partial control over pitch and velocity
values generated, and there is no guarantee that all events in the
pattern will generate MIDI note-on/off messages.
however, you may specify multiple events at the same position in the
pattern. i can't recall what order the event occupying the same
position will be processed in (ie fifo or filo) but each event will be
placed individually in the grid. recall they have width when placed.
so that when the scale stuff is implemented, if the X coordinate of
the event when translated to pitch is not valid within the scale then
X + n where n < X + WIDTH is used (provided X + n is a pitch which is
not already playing on that port/channel combination ;-)).
so some kind of random scale-based chord arrangement will be
happening, if that's any good. i'm pretty knowledgeless about choords
(i learnt the trumpet at school), and did not learn much about scales
- the reasons i'm writing this;-)