I came across a paper by Hans Kaper describing disco, an object oriented
system for music composition and sound design. There is some java code on
sourceforge, but I asked about the c++ code and got this reply:
We're still in the process of overhauling DISSCO's sourceforge website.
If you need the newest c++ code of DISSCO
please use svn to get it. This is currently the only way to do it.
simply execute this command in your command line:
svn co
https://dissco.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/dissco/trunk dissco
The README file has a brief instruction of building the components of DISSCO
(CMOD and LASS). Feel free to email me (mchiu3(a)illinois.edu) or Andrew
Burnson (burnson2(a)illinois.edu) if you have any question about building the