True, there really is no other way. We ain't in kansas anymore,
toto. We're on a mailinglist so it's highly likely we need a email
address if we want to get emails. Registering to post bug reports is
annoying and time waste. It's nice that we have bugtrackers that you
can send anonymous emails to; I'll bet you get more bug reports.
I have to respond to this.
Actually, many projects disable anonymous bugreports because it is impossible
to follow up on the problems.
I manage the bugtracker in MusE, we still allow anonymous reports, but many
such reports are actually no help. Missing information in the bugreports
making it impossible to fix, no possible way of knowing if a fix actually
helped the reporter etc.
I understand the privacy concerns. Also I can understand that you think it's
unnecessary work. But it cuts both ways. The less you give, the less there is
for the people on the other end to get.