You make some very good points, however don't forget this is just the crib
sheet for producing my preferred setup.
Yep, hence why didn't focus too heavily on your choice of apps
I've tried Thunar but just don't like it. Also ROX is closest to my Risc Os
roots :)
Ah! You're ex-RISCOS? All is forgiven/ explained then. I'm not
entirely sure Archimedes and RISCOS machines were available outside
blighty but they were quite cool for school at the time. I know the
Amiga was big all over Europe (well, UK and Germany at least) but i
suspect the Archy flopped outside UK schools due to lack of good
games. ARM went onto become a raging success of course and I think
they turned 20 recently.
I'd forgotten to include alsactl store - certainly used it!
Didn't know about apt-get build-dep ardour. I'm all for reducing lists of
install libraries!
That command is the Holy Grail of timesaving for Debuntu-using, Linux
audio addicts seeing as I doubt any other audio app can compete for
number of deps and most people on here will use or want to compile
Ardour at some time. Underhand compliment or what? :)
Dan, please!
Will J Godfrey
Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.
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